New bodyguard.

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(TW: burns, mentions of wishing to die)

(Y/N) woke up, sprawled out on the ground. His bag being used as a pillow and his sword in hand.

There was a light glaze of snow on the floor, that also covered some of (Y/N)'s clothes. He shifted onto his back and stared at the sky for a moment.

As his brain processed the events from the night before his body shot up from its place. He looked around and noticed his thick, insulated jacket lazily thrown on his legs.

He immediately hoisted himself up and looked around, slightly worried as to were the blondie went. He noticed foot steps in the snow and indents in the damp grass. He followed the trail.

After a short walk into an area with thicker snow and more dark oak trees, he found the blond stumbling around with a piece of paper and a compass.

Swiftly teleporting to the teenagers side he looked at the paper but didn't get to read it before the blond retracted his arm.

"WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THAT!?" The boys body tensed as his arms were pulled to his chest in protective position. (Y/N)  raised a brow at the question.

"Doing what?..."

"Just!... Just appearing?! And following me?! I'm a minor you know!" You shrugged and just stared at the boy. He didn't nothing but grumble out some complaints while he continued walking.

"Sooo... where are we going?..." Tommy slowed his walking once again and glared at me. "I'M going to my old friend... well he's not my friend. In fact he's very far from it because he... Not the point! YOU can go anywhere else. Ok?"

He turned away to keep walking until a skeleton shot at him from under a tree, Tommy jumped back and grabbed his wood sword and attempted to push forward.

His attempts failed miserably because he kept getting pushed back by the arrows. (Y/N) un sheathed his sword and teleported in front skeleton, slamming the blade on the bones of the neck.

The head fell off and rolled across the grass, the body fell limp and hit the floor. (Y/N) turned and stared at Tommy, once more repeating,

"Where are we going?"

<<Time skip>>

The both walked without much conversation, (Y/N) was focused on their surroundings while Tommy complained about math and coordinates. Tommy suddenly went eerily quiet.

After a few minutes of silence
(Y/N) turned to him and saw Tommy staring at him with suspicion.

"Yes?" (Y/N) looked away and fidgeted under his glare. "... What are you? And whats your name?" The last question hit him like an anvil. Not once has he disclosed his name with this poor boy.

"I'm sorry. My names (Y/N) I'm an enderman, nice to meet you Tommy."

"Yeah yeah whatever. Why exactly are you following me? I'm not as against it as I was before but still wanna know how annoying my new bodyguard will be."

He stopped walking and stared at Tommys bandaged arms as he also came to a stop. (Y/N) stepped forward and reached for Tommy's arm slowly, allowing him to pull away.

When the boy didn't move he grabbed his arm and pulled it towards him, putting the slightly bloody bandages on display. "When all of these are healed, I'll leave. Until then I have to make sure you don't make it worse."

(Y/N) dropped his arm and kept walking, not seeing the slight pep in the boys step. The walking continued as before but (Y/N) was more spaced out, in his head the majority of the walk.


Younger (Y/N) laid in a bed with many layers of blankets laid on him. His face was blank, lacking all emotion. His entire body was covered in burns, some worse than others.

He refused to move, every shift of his body feeling like he got burned all over again. His face was red and irritated from crying, his leg sore from running.

He knows it's bad, but he wished the burns killed him. At least it would be over with, he can't even blink without his face burning from tears. He was pulled from his thoughts when a soft knock was heard on the door.

"May I come in?" A soft voice asked while he saw the door knob turn, but waiting to open. He hesitated for a second before saying come in.

His voice was scratchy, it burned like lava seeping down his throat the pain making him choke up, his words barley audible.

The door opened, warm light entering the dark room, along with a woman. (Y/N) didn't open his eyes, so he didn't quite get her features.

"How you feeling, darlin?" He nodded as softly as possible, the pain almost unbeatable. Key word almost. But with a voice as sweet as hers (Y/N) didn't care.

Her southern accent was as sweet as honey, and it melted (Y/N)'s heart.

He could only imagine she had a beautiful face to match.

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