A unruly trip.

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<<TW: gore, ptsd>>

Tommy, Techno and (Y/N) are walking around "Logstedshire" Which is where Tommy was exiled to. Tommy seems like he's on the verge of a mental break down, he picked at his fingers, bit at his bottom lip, and glanced around a lot. Techno walked in front of the both of them, shaking a bag of dog bones "Come on, theres just no dogs."

"Howw." The piglin groaned as a dog rubbed near his legs following him closely. Tommy giggled quietly and mumbled "I know another word for dog." Techno halted. Turned to the two people behind him, and stared. (Y/N) quickly looked away from the man, in favor of staring at the Christmas tree thats not to far away from the trio.

Tommy stepped in front of (Y/N), attempting to cover him, it didn't work much though because of
(Y/N)'s taller frame. "Puppy's." Techno quickly got back to walking and shaking the bag. The two people behind him started laughing and trailing after him again. "Nice save." Tommy cackled, (Y/N) reached his hand out and ruffled the boys hair, then softly pushed him forward.

"The hell was that for?!" Tommy rubbed the back of his head while walking backwards to look at the man. "Your walking slow, keep up blondie." The boy scoffed, "I'm sorry I've not got stupid tall and lanky legs like you asshole." Tommy crossed his arms and continued walking forward. The enderman walked faster and leaned on the blonds shoulder, trying to distract him from their surroundings as much as he could.

Techno walked off, very keen on finding the missing piece to his puppy puzzle. While the blond was quick to shove (Y/N) off and walk towards his old home, mumbling to himself and rubbing his bandaged arms. Although he wanted to follow, (Y/N) decided to give him his space, "I don't know quite enough to try and butt into his life if he's already pulling away."

Still trying to sticking close to Tommy incase he needed him. The main thing that caught the mans attention was a destroyed nether portal, you can tell it isn't just abandoned. It was wrecked recently, obvious by the shattered pieces of purple from the glass like Portal still lying on the ground. The man reached down and ran his hand over some of the purple.

The glass swiftly changed to purple particles and a puff of smoke, disappearing under his touch. The mans hand reeled back and he stood up quickly, he's never touched a nether portal before. It sounds stupid but he's to scared of it, he gets freaked out at the thought of his whole body being subject to such heat.

The thought of just tripping into a pool of Lava. Feeling every inch of you body get scorched, he already had somewhat of an idea of what burning alive felt like. He didn't want to be some where with that memory being the only thing in the back of his mind.


The younger enderman ran as fast as his legs would take him, as tears blocked his vision he slammed into trees and tripped over god knows what. He didn't stop, he didn't care, he was only worried about getting away from that shitty man and that shitty house. His body immediately hit the floor once again as his leg gave out, pains shooting through the leg as his tears finally fell from his eyes.

He wiped his tears and was quick to try and get up, but the pain started setting in, it was so excruciating that the adrenaline coursing through his veins was no help. His tears started fall at a faster rate as the clouds in the sky started to release the built up tension of water. He looked back at his leg to the horrible site of his mauled up limb stuck in a bear trap, as realization set in a scream of pure agony left his tiny body.

Water hit his body and absorbed into his clothes also hitting his  fresh wound burning his body as sobs wracked through his chest. Foot steps could be heard making their way towards him from two different directions. He turned to see who it was behind him and saw a man's taller frame, (Y/N) ignore every warning his body was giving him to not move as his tiny burned hands grabbed the ground in front of him and dragged his body forward.

Trying to create any kind of distance between the two, he was quick to stop as he felt the ripping that his stunt cause on his leg. The man approached him yelling curses, he was about reach down and grab the panicking boy until a vine wrapped around his leg and quickly pulled him in to the air.

A smooth and thick southern voice was heard over the boys pleas for help.

"The hell you think you're doing, jack ass?"


(Y/N) stared at the ground with a stone cold face, as his hands shook slightly. His spiraling was interrupted by someone though, Techno laid a hand on his shoulder and shook him. "(Y/N), (Y/N) man I need you to listen to meee." The man Techno was talking to turned towards him and tried to push everything farther back into his mind still being very out of it. The enderman stared at the mans crown as he hummed to question what Techno needed.

"Dream may or may not being going to my house right now."

"Say that one more time please?"

<<note from author>>
Huge thank you to whoever may be reading this story, I've done like four other stories that I only did one full chapter on then never really put the same effort in after that and I'll admit this story isn't perfect but I will say im proud of the fact that its actually fun to write and has a coherent plot anyways have a good day/night <33

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