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(Y/N) dragged his feet and stayed as far away from any extra heat as possible. He jumped whenever the lava bubbled, flinched when small bundles of flames sparked to close to him.

Anytime Tommy got to close to the heat (Y/N) was quick to pull him away, having zero trust for this kid to not get himself killed. Lucky for the two men Tommy never strayed to far, and when he did he was quick to come to their side when he fiddled with whatever peaked his curiosity.

Techno walked along with the two anxiety filled beings without much worry, he didn't even care to look at a map or compass. Which kinda freaked (Y/N) out. "How familiar are you with our current terrain Technoblade?"

The piglin shrugged and mumbled, "I mine netherite alot so I kinda got used to the path these people made. Plus I am a piglin." (Y/N) nodded, jumping slightly while Tommy stumbled next the lava pool they were passing "He calls himself the human GPS-"

Tommy was pulled back into
(Y/N)'s chest and shoved back onto the path. "AYE! Watch it yah lanky bitch!" "Your the one about to tap dance into a pool of lava." Techno shook his head at the two, finding their bickering annoying.

But he definitely preferred it over Tommy running around by himself and crying for help when he did something stupid. Speaking of Tommy doing stupid things, he pulled two golden apples out of the bag he had laid on his shoulders and ate one without a care.

The piglin stepped forward and snatched the second one, immediately aggravating the blond, "THE HELL!" Techno shoved it into his pocket, "Where are you even getting these now?!" Tommy dramatically gasped while yelling back "Oh I'm sorry mister 'HUMAN GSP' do you not know where something is?"

"Thats not how GSP works and you know it Tommy."

"Just let Techno have it, if your hungry have this." (Y/N) quickly pulled out some jerky and handed it to the boy. Tommy looked at him with annoyance but yanked the jerky away from him and stomped ahead of the two, taking aggressive bites out of the stick of beef.

Techno shook his head once again and walked beside (Y/N), who watched Tommy like a hawk. Ready to make a move as needed. "I'm surprised he's lived this long with a diet of mainly MY golden apples." The man shot the blond a glare, making the enderman next to him chuckle.

"Yeah... it speeds up his healing though." "Yeah thats why they were for battles, not some teenagers mental break down." Techno continued with his sharp looks while (Y/N) smiled softly at the boy. He seemed to be doing a little better, both mentally and physically.

Now our Friend Technoblade was glaring for two reasons, Tommy being a feisty child and because he wasn't very good at being subtle. He wanted to ask (Y/N) a couple of questions that he didn't get to finish asking last time, but Phil has warned him the he's very blunt. He also struggles with easing into conversation topics.

He doesn't want to scare (Y/N) away by going "Nice weather in the nether right? Why are you staying here, why do you care so much for someone you just met, are you really willing to risk it all for some random angsty teen, do you know half the shit your getting yourself into?" And he also didn't want small talk. God he hates small talk, why have casually useless conversation when you can have meaning?

Or have some form of importance to the topic or problem at hand?
If you can't tell he's great at parties.

But he also wanted answers, so with a little internal pep talk he finally asks, "Hey (Y/N), can I ask you something?" The endermans ears flicked as his attention was now on the shorter Piglin. After Techno received a hum of confirmation he continued on with his list of questions.

"Why exactly are you staying? I know you said to help Tommy but it's gotta be more then that to willingly risk your life for him." This caught (Y/N) off guard, he just gave Techno a blank stare. Why exactly was he staying? Yes he wanted to help Tommy but why?

A part of him wanted to say he saw himself in Tommy, but he didn't. At least not enough for all this. (Y/N) eyes fell down to his legs, and the metal rod that his pants hid. He wanted to be like his aunt? Nope, she loves to travel. Help people. See everything.

(Y/N) was raised with this so every piece of him wanted to settle down, have stability. To have a home, a family. A life that wasn't always packed up in the back of a carriage, ready for the next "home."

Then his smile flashed in his mind.

That sickly sweet smile.

The one filled with so much love, only to cover so much malice. His soft silky words that dripped with such bitter venom. The eyes that swayed him to step close and the arms that dragged him back to the shit hole he came from.

"I don't want some kid lose so much, because of a sick mans personal problems." 

The piglin nodded and stared at the blond. "I know he's a kid. But he is also abrasive, stubborn, and just down right annoying most of the time. I'm not saying he deserved what Dream did. But he knew Dream was a sick man and still aggravated him." He said while quoting the enderman next to him.

"Yes Tommy is abrasive. But if a grown man's reaction to an annoying teenager is to get violent he doesn't deserve the chance to get violent at all." The enderman said with slight anger, quoting Techno back. The pink haired man nodded once again.

He respected (Y/N), he seemed to think of his opinion before he chooses a side. He takes everything into account and is willing to agree with facts. He gently punched (Y/N) shoulder.

"Don't worry, I'm not trying to justify anything Dream did. Just making sure you know Tommy is definitely not at full fault but he's also not innocent either.


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