*Chapter 5*

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Sometimes it's better to be left in the dark then to be blinded by the light.

Its been 5 hours since I have left the safety of my bedroom. It felt good to go back to my norm of being alone.

Some may say loneliness is the gateway to self resentment, but to me it just gives me time to reflect, time to think.

I haven't even been in this house for a week and already, it's difficult for me. I mean that argument this morning shouldn't of happened.

I shouldn't of given in, although there was harsh words thrown on my part, he was harsh as well.

So I shouldn't feel bad for defending myself, but I do. Clearly Damien was upset, well his version of upset at least.

But I know if I apologise he will just throw it back in my face, and insult me.

"Hey Amber it's 6, start getting ready!" Maria shouts though the door.

I look at my temporary cream door and groan, "I'm not going!" I yell.

The door suddenly bust open, and there stands a mad Mexican "Yes you are, you don't have a choice." She puts her hand on her slim hip and quirks an eyebrow.

"But I'm ti-"

"Amber go get an outfit on, I'm not joking. I'm not going to let you sulk, all damn day. So lets go." She advances me in a quick stride and pulls me off the bed.


"So what outfit are you planning to wear?" She smiles, aware of the fact that she keeps cutting me off.

"Jeans a top and my Jordan's." I pout, I can't believe I'm leaving my bed.

"Over my dead body you will." She mutters and leaves the room.

Hope suddenly raises within my heart. Is she gone?

"You're wearing this." No still here.

I turn my head and look in her hand to see a white dress.

"I want to feel comfortable, Maria." And wearing that isn't in my comfortable zone. I fail to add.

"You will it's stretchy, come on just try it on. Please." Her eyes widen like the cat from the movie 'Puss in boots' and I quickly snatch the dress out her hand.

Not fair.

I stride to the bathroom, and take off my pyjamas that I have been rocking all day.

Bye beautiful comfortable pyjamas.

Hello uncomfortable dress.

The effort of putting on the dress was just a struggle in its self. My breast and my bottom declare its presence, and I groan.

My boobs are blessed by God more than my other peers and so is my derriere, so that is the reason I don't wear my this type stuff.

But here you are.

Coming out the bathroom I watch Maria's mouth expand into a 'o' like shape. "Shit." She yells. "You look so damn hot!"

Blushing from her reaction I try not to laugh, this girl is such a drama queen.

"Thank you, you look 'hot' too." I smile.

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