Part 25

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It takes a fool to know a fool.


"What the fuck are you wearing?" His nose flares as my chest becomes more exposed to him. I pull up the heart shaped t-shirt as my insecurity laughs at me.

"I'm wearing clothes." I bite.

He slams his fist against the wall next to my head and I flinch. "Don't fuck with me Amber! Don't fuck with me."

"What do you want me to say?" I say my voice breaking. He once again closes his eyes in anger, and I visibly watch Damien as his anger eats at his flesh.

"I'm going to a meeting, when I come back you I will take you to the house. You will pack your stuff and leave."

He lets go of my hands, abruptly making my knees buckle making me fall to the floor.


"You are kicking me out?" I whisper, my throat dry. "For wearing something you don't like?"

"I'm tired of your constant whoring about. Sick of it actually." I gasp at his words, hurt coursing through me.

"When have I ever 'whored' about Damien? When?" I raise my voice and stand up.

Hurt replaced with anger.

"Call me anything, but a whore? Really?" My eyes realise salty liquid and I bite my lip as internal hurt consumes me.

"You know what? Your in denial Damien! All you want to do is push me away. You have been waiting for a reason to push me away for the longest amount of time, and now you have created one."

"Shut the fuck up!" He grabs the computer on his large desk and slams it to the floor, use to his behaviour I watch him destroy his beautiful office.

Too stubborn to intervene, like I would have before.

When he is done he watches me with an intense glare, his chest moving up and down in a quick rhythm.

"The real problem here Ms-I-know-it-fucking-all, is you have not only embarrassed me today with the way you are dressed but you have broken a rule within the contract. I'm sick of this fucking show. I'm sick of you. I don't want a disrespecting, mutt within my household any longer."


"What did you expect? huh? For me to look at you and coo? For me to call you fucking beautiful and lie to your face? For me to immediately realise that your my soul mate, run into the sunset and kiss you? I'm not pushing shit all away, because in order for me to push something away it would have to be remotely important to me. You fool."

He laughs at me.

"You are stupid Amber. So damn idiotic. You think I don't know that since you have entered my life, you have been trying to unlock me? Prying into my damn life like a cop. Trying to suck information out of me, out of the people around me; with your innocent fucking eyes with your fucking innocent act. And today it ends."

"I have done nothing but be nice to you since I have come here." I wipe my face. "But, you have been unpleasant and a bully to me." He lets out a loud laugh at my expense. I ignore him.

"One day Damien you will see that by pushing away everyone, all you do is push your self away from the world. You isolate your self." I shout at him, my voice becoming hoarse.

"And one day you will see that I don't give a flying fuck about any of the shit that comes out your mouth." I close my eyes as I feel him roughly push his shoulder against mine. "A car will be waiting for you to take you to my house. When I get there you better be gone."


"When I get home, you better not fucking be there." He repeats and slams the door shut.

My knees buckle and I push my head into my hands. I'm homeless. He just kicked me out, as if he was discussing the weather. After everything, after the few nights that we have had, in which he nursed me and I nursed him; did that do nothing to the way he thought of me.

For a minuscule moment, a weak moment from my part to be truthful I thought that we were progressing. I thought, he was starting to see me as a friend maybe, or a human not just a intruder within his household.

I think back to the moment in which I starting to feel worse when I was sick:

"Damien!" my head fell into the pillow and I felt him massage my scalp gently. A southing feeling fell over me as I felt him repeat my actions from pervious nights before.

"Amber." He simply replies.

"I'm starting to feel really bad. Super duper bad."

"I know." he whispers, I feel him lay next to me and pull my body into his; I push my head into his neck too sick to think about what I'm doing and I feel him shiver.

"Your so warm." I whispered to him, I felt him shift uncomfortably and I push myself creating space. He pulls me back to him with a light growl.

"I told you, you were going to get sick, which is why I told you to stay away from me when I was sick." he mutters in my ear. "And now look."

"Okay! I get it, but I wasn't going to let you die." I sarcastically whisper out. "And plus, I enjoyed seeing the powerful Damien pout whenever I needed to leave the room because he didn't want me to leave him."

"Shush." He pouts and I giggle once I feel him grip me and growl in my neck. "I'm not enjoying seeing you sick Amber." he states simply after a while.

"I know." I say weakly, his was on edge at every moment wondering if I was going to vomit or need him. He hasn't slept in days. "You need sleep, Mr powerful." I mutter. But it seems he was thinking ahead of me as I felt a light snore against my neck.

In a snap, that Damien was gone. No where to be seen. I knew it was coming, I knew he was going to go back to being...well him; but not to this extent.

He has kicked me out. And made me homeless! Hurt. Hurt, is all I feel, call me melodramatic but I thought-

I thought he was opening up.  I thought- I don't know what exactly I thought.

I should have known.

I should have saw it bloody coming.

The office door opens and I'm snapped out of my thoughts.
Christopher appears at the door giving me a light smile. I try to return one but I can't bring myself to even look into his eyes.

"The is a car ready for you, Ms Williams."

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