Part 30

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Love is an emotion governed by the heart, but loving is an emotion governed by the brain.

~ Astarex


Dedicated to: Rodsa_  and also demarrya ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️



I clench my fist as I see him look into her eyes his face smothered in adoration for Amber. All the anger of my 19 year old self manifest it's self in the most abrupt fucking way ever.

And I immediately prepare myself for a fight as I watch Amber let out a pricing scream of excitement.




My eyes widen as I watch Blakes eyes widen at the fact that he's either seen me or Damien.

He looks good, everything the same. His kind eyes, his clothing; that has a good boy undertone, all remains the same.

Except from the large scar from the top of his cheek bone to his jaw.

It looks old, however I still wince at its appearance, must of hurt. My thoughts go through all the ways it could of happened, all ending with a morbid platform. I slowly move my eyes away from his face as he pulls me into a hug.

It has been too long. I bathe in his embrace as I forget the 5 years in which he forgot me. I tried to contact him once I left Damien's mansion.

His phone rang and rang until one day it no longer.

I assumed he was still upset over the incident, in which Damien beat him up; however I always had an gut feeling it wasn't the reason why he vanished through thin air.

And just Olivia Pope, I trust my gut.

I'm sill upset with him, for completely leaving me to the wolves, but I can't help the happiness that bubbles under the surface.

It's almost as if he doesn't see Damien as he spins me around in circles. Pushing back the uncomfort from the fact I can feel Damien's anger roll of him in waves I hug him harder.

"Blake what are you doing here? How many years has it been?" Blake smiles at my questions but before he can answer Damien makes his presence known.

"Blake what are you doing here?" Damien's voice is low as I watch him take off his leather jacket slowly place it on his couch and roll up his t-shirt. I roll my eyes at his antics.

Don't know why you're rolling your eyes, like say you don't know Damien's cable of beating him up...

"Nice to see you again prick. Not surprised you are here, though." My eyes widen in surprise at Blake's words, as his eyes narrow at Damien.

When the hell did he get this confidence from, to challenge Damien? I try not to smile at the fact that I have someone who can stand up to him.

"What did I tell you huh?" Damien slowly strides to Blake and I watch Christopher act as if he is eating popcorn. Idiot.

"I know what you said and its officially been 5 years so I'm here to get her back." Blake looks at me as I look up at him in confusion. What the hell is going on?

It's been such a long day for me and its only 11'oclock. I don't want to have to deal with 3 men crowed at front of my door. I certainly don't want to have to deal with a married man suddenly interested in me. Or my missing friend that after 5 years has made a surprising appearance.

Nor do I have the strength to deal with my best friend that instead of helping me is eating imaginary popcorn.

"Do you value your life?" Damien's chest starts to heave and it's only than I get involved.

"What do you mean its been 5 years? Damien what did you do?" I look at Damien look at Blake look at me.

"Amber this has nothing to do with you. Mind your own fucking business." A vein pops from his neck. I raise my eyebrows and pull up my sleeves, if this man swears at me one more time...

I watch Chris step forwards, and I shake my head at him. If he gets involved, then God only knows.

"It is kind of her business, though isn't it?" Chris quirks at Blake's words.

"Shut your dirty trap."

"Piss off Damien, you're just a prick that thinks he owns the bloody world." Blake starts to get willed up and I wince even more.

"I do own the world, I also own Amber! So stay the fuck away!" Damien starts to stride to Blake and I quickly stand in front of him.

"Damien!" He ignores me calling his name and continues striding towards Blake with his fist clenched.

"Damien." He doesn't stop. "Damien!" he still ignores me.

"Damien Black, stop this!" Everything becomes silent at the shout of his full name and Damien's cold eyes zoom onto mine.

"You need to leave me alone. I don't want to be with you, not now, not ever. You missed your chance to be with me. When I watched you marry Maria on national TV. I'm done with this game, this time I'm serious. Go to your wife Damien. Go back to your life, and let me live mine."

Damien says nothing as his eyes watch me, his face remains emotionless and closed off disabling me from reading him.

"You need to leave, Damien. For good this time." I watch him suck in a breath. My throat tightens as I force myself to let go of the married man.

I feel Blake come behind me and rub my back, I lean back on him as he resembles my backbone in this moment. "Damien you heard her." Blake smirks at Damien. Talk about poking the bear.

But Damien says nothing as her picks up his coat and slings it over his broad shoulders, he tucks his hand into his pocket and he walks towards Blake. They stand chest to chest. And it's almost as if he sizes him up, as his height swallow Blake's. However, Blake doesn't back down as he raises his chin.

They both stare at each other.

"You can have her Blake, I have already rammed through her anyways.

She's just damaged goods now.

I have a queen at home waiting for me. Not a whore, that lets me suck on her neck then tells me to leave her life. Keep her. Keep the worthless whore." I gasp at his words.

I watch him as walks to the door, my tears threatening to fall.

It's only then Blake lets out a string of words, that completely broke hell lose: "Ones man trash, is another mans treasure. Isn't that right brother?" I gasp. Did he just say brother?

Wait what the hell is going on?

Brother? Jesus Christ!!!! 😭😩

WE ARE #50 in romance guyssssssssssss🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

Special thanks to starw16 and pyramid53 ❤️❤️😍💯👊🏽

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