Part 23

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If it was meant to be it will be.




Have you ever wondered why your heart, always seems to be wondering around your body?

I mean seriously think about it.

When your nervous you feel it jumping around in your stomach.

When your in love you feel it flying around with the butterfly's.

When you bang a part of your body against something it makes its presence known.

And when you have a bloody headache you feel it renting a room in your head and literally sleeping there.

That's my current situation.

I can feel a drum, a musical even in my bloody brain. Oh, but that's not the worse part. I have puked 4 times. Once with Damien holding back my hair and cursing above me. Twice with the bedsheets filled with green liquid. And another with Damien literally throwing me over his back and running me to the bathroom.

But I'm not going to lie, It's been interesting having the big bad Damien Black fussing over me.

He hasn't sworn, spat, cursed or even pushed me against the wall. So that's a good sign.

However surely but slowly I'm getting better. Meaning the tension will come back, the real Damien will come back. But he doesn't need to know that I'm better. Not at all. If I could get this going for one more da-

"Amber!" Speak of the devil. I turn around and see Damien. My heart quickly jumps back into my chest, and starts to increase at a unhuman speed.

Stupid heart.

My face turns red as I notice he isn't in his normal black jeans and t-shirt; but instead he is wearing a clean cut suit.

He looks.... well beautiful.

The rich material of the suit is stuck to his lean body like a second skin and his hair is slicked back although there us one curl rebelling.

I think back to the moment in which he was sick and I was able to push it back. Enabling a groan to exist his mouth.

I bit my lips as I watch him stroll to stand in front of me his bad boy vibe still intact, his face is twisted in a mutual glance as he watches me sit up.

"Where are you going?" I ask abit  upset he wont be nursing me like he has been.

Okay maybe not abit... A lot.

It's been nice having a 'friend' even though I'm sick and he doesn't do anything except watch me and ignore all the questions I ask him.

It's been nice to not be alone.

"I'm going to work." He states simply.

I raise an eyebrow at him as I watch him stare at the floor. Surprise lurks within my veins as I remember that he has a company to run, a multi-billion dollar company to be precise.

At his young age, I almost forget how much pressure he has to make sure he makes the right decision in order to not put many out of jobs.

"I forgot you go to work."

60 Days With Damien Black (ON HALT)Where stories live. Discover now