Part 39

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If I am being honest, I'm not over you yet.
~Niall Horan
🌸Please 🌸

"What don't you understand Amber? Our souls are meant to be together. You are mine. Now, tomorrow, and forever more." And with that he collides our lips together...

I quickly move back disconnecting our lips, Damien doesn't stop me as his eye cloud with confusion.

My chest heaves as I look at Damien. How dare he! He can't just appear out of no where and kiss me like that!

I watch the way emotions wail in his blue eyes the way bags surround them; Exposing his lack of sleep. I too then realise that tears are obfuscating my vision.

It's in that moment with Damien's arms clenched around my waist, with his red lips taken in between his teeth that he is a broken man trying to appear whole.

Who did this to him?

I raise my hands and stroke his cheeks, he leans into me my palm with a sigh. "What have you done Damien? Who is hurting you?" My voice trembles whilst he stays quiet.

"Damien?" He pulls away.

"That was a mistake." He pulls back from me and shakes his head almost as if he is trying to rid his thoughts.

I attempt to pull him back "Don't touch me!" he growls out.


"I'm going to bed, Amber."

"You can't tell me you want me, then fight me!" I shout at his retrieving back.

"Just leave me the fuck alone!" I wince at his words, as I watch him walk back to his tent.

I let out a sigh.

It's bizarre the way me and Damien go back and forth. I know this isn't healthy, for me or him. I'm certain of it, but I just can't help the fact that within me still lays a 17 year old girl completely infatuated with the boy that broke her heart.

She screams for me to hug him, for me to find out why he is like that, for me to help him.

But I can't do that if he doesn't want any help. And I can't keep feeding myself useless desires when I know he is married, when he can't stop being mean to me.

Letting out another disheartened sigh, I walk back to my tent.


MEANWHILE IN NEW YORK: Omniscient point view... (Birds eye)

"Is the bitch still clueless?"

"As a cow in the slaughter house. Do you still have the dog on the leash." He asks his fake façade slipping as a cruel smile takes over his face.

"He was trying to get out of the contract, but as soon as I mentioned his beautiful woman he quickly put himself in order." They both let out a laugh.

"Well done, my love. Well done."

"I hate that bitch so much!" She shouts gripping onto the routes of her hair.

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