Part 24

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That ugly duckling grew up to be a swan.

~ India Arie





Upon entrance to the large car park, my eyes are blessed with the a multitude of cars. Expensive cars. Cars that you would probably take a picture of if you were to see on the street.

I bite my lip, as I think of the possibility of me entering any of them knowing that once I exit everyone is going to be waiting in suspense wanting to know who's going to exit as if I was a celebrity.

Which I'm definitely far from. But Damien isn't, which reminds me: won't there be paparazzi as soon as we exit the car? Panic overwhelms me when I start of thinking about cameras in my face, flashing and hawking and with that will come headlines and then rumors and with th-

A hunk of a vehicle snaps me out of my thoughts, and it's then I realise that Damien has already picked a car.

The car is black, that has a striking appearance to the car that Blake drives however the windows are tinted resulting I can't see what's inside; this immediately brings me back to the time me a Blake went out and the same car was there.

Wired... shaking my head from my paranoia I get in the car.

A soft chair connects with my bottom and I lean back and put on my seatbelt. I then turn and look at Damien, one hand is on the steering wheel, while the other is gripping his iPhone 7.

His hair is still slicked back and his top button isn't done up. His jaw is set in a tight as he listens to whoever is speaking to him over the phone.

I stay in silence out of courtesy to his conversation that is clearly one side seeing as he hasn't said anything.

"Fine." Is all that I hear and he sets his phone on his lap and without looking at me he sets the car into motion.

I watch him as he takes a secret passage from the garage that leads him directly onto the high-street.

Sighing from frustration from the fact that he still hasn't even turned to look at me hits. Damn him! I have been staring at him since I saw him this morning, hell since I have met the guy all I have been doing is staring and he can't even glance at me? The mothertrucker.

After 12 minutes of him driving I start to get a little bored, I mean the guy doesn't even want the radio on seeing as soon as I tried to touch it he swerved the car causing my head to hit the window. His evil. I know.

"Damien." I say, finally breaking the silence.





Ignored once again.


"Shut up." He mutters bringing his hands up to massage his forehead.

"Why are you being so rude? I just want to talk and to be honest since I have gotten better all you have been is a asshat, which I predicted you would be but a piece of me was hoping that I would be wrong. But I guess not."


"What the hell is wrong with you?" I spit. His acting like I killed his cat or something, with his face screwed up as if he tasted bitter lemon.

Ignoring me, he swerves the car in front of a large building. He then exits, without even answering me and I roll my eyes but follow him. This whole 'getting to know Damien' thing isn't going to work if he's going to be a prick the whole time.

I watch him as he hands his key to the valet and strides into the large building that reads 'Black co' his footsteps hold power as his vibes of domination drip of him as it was water. And I literally run after him making sure to keep up; even though I'm slightly pissed off with him I don't want to be lost in a stranger city.

As soon as we enter, silence appears lurks I feel eyes on me as my best friend suddenly becomes the floor. A few whispers and gasps are heard but except from that all is still silent. "Back to work." Damien orders his voice still levelled enough to get everyone into motion.

Noise immediately fills the large room. However, I still sense eyes on me which is very unnerving considering I'm not use to it. "Fucking morons" he mutters, walking over to a elevator that is coated in gold paint, scared to touch anything I just stand next to him.

As soon as we exist, which was a long time considering there is 37 floors and we are at the top a man approaches us. His eyes are wide behind a pair of glasses as he watches Damien and his hands are full of bits of bobs and pieces. He look a like a typical geeky type of guy that you would probably want to hug because they were that cute.

"Welcome Mr Black, we were not expecting you today sir." his voice shakes as comes before Damien who towers over him.

"It's my fucking company, what do you mean you weren't expecting me?" he glares at him. "Stop blabbering shit and give me my timetable Christopher." Damien rolls his eyes.

Feeling sorry for the man whose name I now know is Christopher I smile at him. He smiles back and looks away, but then with urgency he turns his head and looks at me again as if it was now he just saw me. His eyes widen and a light red spot covers his checks he takes his hand and rubs his neck. He is so cute, like a teddy bear. Not use to the attention, I watch my red painted toes, and smile

"H-h-hello." Christopher stutters out at me, I start to blush as well.

"Who the hell are you talking to?" In confusion Damien turns around and finally looks at me, his eyes immediately look over me at a fast rate as if his brain was trying to understand what was going on. His eyes then cloud with confusion, as his eyebrows draw together and then the last stage presents itself: anger. His body starts to shake and I watch him as he clenches his fist resulting in them turning white.

He suddenly starts to walk toward me at a fast paced and I step back in fear, what the hell?

Okay, expected him to be angry but not that angry.

His jaw is set in a tight lock as he bends over and throws me over his shoulder. My hair flips and I feel him maintain a tight grip on me. Embarrassment, haunts me as I not only conclude that Damien is carrying me but his employee is watching.

"Damien! Let go, you caveman." I hit his firm back repeatedly but he just keeps on walking ignoring Christopher's horrified yet shocked face. "Damien, this is not okay." I shout still hitting his back, thank god I don't see anyone else on this floor otherwise I would be mortified.

"Damie-" I'm cut of once he enters a large room and slams me against the door. My back is plastered as he takes my hands into his and firmly presses it against the flat surface.

He clenches eyes shut but once he opens them I start to miss his eye lids. His normally ice blue eyes have mutated into a black obeisant colour, and it's in that exact moment fear over took me.

With both of our chest heaving: mine from the fact that I'm scared of the next few moments that are about to commence and his with the fact that his angry: He releases his firm grip on my hand only to punch it right against the door right next to my head. I flinch at the sound of breaking wood, and I bit my lip to prevent me from crying out blue murder. He lets out a vigorous growl, and I realise a whimper.

"What the fuck are you wearing?"

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