Part 18

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I'm alone but not lonely.

The room, that I presume is Damien's has walls that are covered in art.

I'm talking real art. Masterpieces in fact, each and everyone of them different in there own way.

All of them hold a story that can be seen in the most darkest of rooms. I can see that the pantings on the wall are all of one boy.

The first painting of the boy, is one in which he is smiling, his dimples are prominent and his eyes hold the most radiant light within them. It's a light that one would think can not be tarnished.

However as the paintings progress along the black wall, his smile dims, his eyes that once held a piece of the sun start to dull.

Slowly but surely the small boy at the start had become a lifeless soul by 19th painting.

Through the paintings you can see the boys emotions become almost invisible, yet his beauty goes from cute to absolutely exquisite, but in a cold hidden way.

It's obvious that the man at the end of the row of paintings has matured.

He's showing no form of emotion, yet, the glimpse that is shown is so raw.

So pure.

He has seen things, in life that have clearly scared him.

He has seen things, that can only be told from his mouth.

The boy is Damien.

Fear instantly takes over my whole being, my limbs start to shake and I become weak.

Maybe it's because I have finally been able to catch something from Damien, or maybe it's because I done exactly what Andrea told me not to do.


Will he push me away further than I am already?

Will he shut down to a more drastic extent?

My mouth starts to form an explanation, but all I can seem to do is quickly gasp out "Oh my goodness!"

"Nosy little thing aren't you." I'm suddenly aware of how much darkness engulfs the room and I actually crave Damien's comfort as its seems he's the only form of light in here.

"Damien?" My voice shakes at the end.

"Come here." His raspy voice, completely fills the room and I shiver.

My original motive comes into my head and I ask him timidly "Are you okay?"

I hear him grunt, and turn his body towards me. "I'm fine." He lets out a monstrous cough and turns onto his back. 'I'm fine.' Sure you are, stubborn mule. "Why are you standing at the door?"

"I'm scared." I admit. Why is he being so nice?

"Of wha-" before he can even complete his sentence he lets out a series of coughs.

On reflect, my feet run to his large bed that takes up a quarter of the black room. "Are you okay?" I jump on to his bed and start to rubbing his back.

He tenses up but I ignore his reaction and keep on rubbing. "Am-b-ber" Damien try's to say my name at the same time as he's coughing and I shush him quietly.

60 Days With Damien Black (ON HALT)Where stories live. Discover now