*Chapter 7*

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Karma doesn't have a best friend. He just comes, knocks on your door and portrays an act of justice.

As soon as Damien sees me his eyes visibly flash with relief; before they go back to anger.

"Damien, why on earth are you shouting?" I ask calmly making my way down the stairs.

"Amber don't ask me stupid questions! What did I tell you to do, when I gave you my jacket?" By now I was face to face with him; I show no signs of fear but in reality I'm going to pee myself.

Damien's fist are so clenched that they have became white, his brown curly hair is in all directions; as if he ran his fingers through it in frustration. And his cold ice blue eyes are full of one emotion, I can only describe as pure and utter anger.

"You told me to go outside and wait for you. And that is exactly what I did; but you never came." I say equally as loud. But for some reason my explanation just made him more mad than he already was.

"I told you to wait! But is that what you did Amber? Is it? Did you wait?" Damien asks his face possessed with anger.

I can not believe this callous man, does he still believe that I am a child?

"Answer me. For once in your life, answer me!"

"Who do you think you are? My father? Well you're not. You have no control over what I do, Wear or Say. And never will you have that control over my life." Finishing my rant, I look at him. But he does nothing. Not even a word.

While my body's flowing with untamed adrenaline, he just stands there and looks at me with a plain expression.

Then he abruptly takes the closes object which in this case is a table and smashes it to the ground.

Out of surprise, I let out a loud yelp protecting my ears from the loud bang. Looking at him, I realise that he doesn't seem fazed by my frightened state. If anything he gets a weird sadist thrill out of it; seen in his cold blue eyes.

Maintaining eye contact with me, he moves to the abstract painting on the wall and smashes it.

"Damien, stop!" But he doesn't listen.

Instead he storms into the living room and picks up the mini dinning room table and smashes it to the wall. With a loud coalition the table snaps in little pieces leaving a calm Damien standing there.  

"Never in my whole life have I ever come across someone that disrespects like this. I out of all people defend you at a club, that I told you not to go to and tell you one simple thing! Wait for me out-fucking-side. And you can't even do that! Do you know for how long I looked for you?"

Feeling bad I look down at the crystal floor and shake my head slowly. "I bet you don't. And then to make matters worse, I go outside to find out that you already left with that boy." He spits out, empathising the word 'boy'.

"A man." I correct him looking up at his blue eyes. But immediately realise my mistake. I have never seen so much emotion in Damien's eyes, so much anger.

"No Amber he's a boy. I am a man." He bites back moving closer to me. "A man that doesn't like when people touch what belongs to me!" Damien finally shouts he's vain popping out of he's neck.

"And what belongs to you?" I ask scared, that the question will anger him even more.

He quickly steps back, looking at me like I threw acid on his face.

"Don't asks me dumb questions."

"Why must you always do this-"

"Do what? Huh?!" He shouts even louder. "You don't know me. Stop acting like you do! Stop trying to get into my head. All you are is a filthy un-needed useless excuse of a human. You're ugly, no man is going to ever want you. It just pisses me off! The fact that you just prance around as if you own the place; but you don't. All you own is a big fucking mouth." He spat.

My heart instantly shatters by his harsh words. I feel like someone has just ripped me in half.

Without connecting my actions to my body, I lay hot slap on his cheek. He sucks in a sharp breath; his evil eyes full of shock.

"Damien; stay away from me. I'm serious." I say firmly.


"Stay away." I whisper before I walk away from him.

Leaving him standing in the middle of a destroyed living room.

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