part 21

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Thiers to reply,

Thiers not to reason why,

Thiers but to do and die.


For andikariley and DanielleHopper
Thanks for the support girlies♥️💙❤️

Previously on 60 Days With Damien Black...

"Damien your drunk, at 12 in the morning." Dinho states the obvious.

"Where's my bella!" Damien's voice raises again and Lauren starts to panick, a loud strick escapes her and I stand up while patting her back. And I have to admit I'm with Lauren in this one, his hard to deal with when his not drunk and now his drunk.

After a while she quietens down and I turn around to look over in dinho direction to make sure his okay.

However, as I'm about to turn around, I dump into a firm chest. My wide eyes travel from an opened leather jacket to a slightly red but still gorgeously immaculate face.

I gasp as I feel him wrap his hand around my waste and tug. I'm pushed against him and I feel him move my hair to the side.

I stand there with Lauren still going about her businesses in my hair and my mind in frenzy.

What the hell is going on?

He bended his head forwards and although I thought he was about to kiss my neck he does much worse, he whispers in my ear: "I found you. My bella."

I look at Dinho in a state of awkwardness as I feel Damien start to squeeze his hold on me.  He doesn't reply to my gaze as he is too busy looking at Damien in shock.

What's wrong with him?

Clearly Damien is so drunk he is starting to claim that I'm this 'bella' individual even though I insist it's not my name! 

I try to push Damien of gently as I'm scared he will trip over his own foot at this state. Why is he acting like this and why in goods name isn't Dinho helping me? Even Lauren isn't crying instead she's leaning against me as if Damien leaning on us isn't a bother in the world.

Damn it, Damien! Leave it to you to say I should leave you alone and then come after me.

A tingling feeling engulfs me in my stomach as I feel him sniff my neck, why does it feel so good when he does that? "hmmm..." he growls in my neck the vibration causes me to shiver and I bite my lip. He pushes his face further into my neck and his shoulder length hair grazes my nose a manly smell of a undiscovered flower and whiskey hit my nose and "You smell good..." He whispers to me.

"Wonder if you taste as good." I gasp at his words as my heart drops to my stomach. With force, I attempt to try and push him off. He steps back and raises a thick eyebrow at me.

"Don't be crude!" I whisper at him, even though my body is jibbing with electricity.

What is he doing to me.

"Don't be crude." He copy's me in a much higher voice and I roll my eyes. Drunk Damien is annoying.

Looking down at me he smirks "never noticed how small you were until 2 days ago, as in height of course nothing else is remotely small on your body." He looks at my boobs. Blushing I look down at my feet.

Stop blushing you moron.

He steps back into my personal bubble and looks at me in the eyes, I gasp again once I see them.

They are ice blue as per usual but within them hold something, just like the first 5 portraits of him on the walls they hold emotion.

Does him being drunk make him feel? The only reason my mother said my father use to drink is because she said he wanted to escape from the world, forget who he is.

What he had.

Does Damien wish to do the same? Does he wish to forget who he is?

At this moment, the question in which he asked me what I wanted was answered. I wanted to know what his thought were, what he felt. It extraordinary the way things turn out whereas I didn't even want to know Damien when I first met him to now in which I want to know why he thinks the way he does. I want to understand him.

All this time I have ran from Damien mostly because he kept pushing me away but if for a moment, I stopped maybe I would be able to get around this forever ending cycle. Maybe I would be able to understand him one day.

"Amber?" I snap out of my daydream once I feel him touch my chin. I look up a him his face doesn't hold sort of expression however his body is slumped to mine making my hold not only half of his weight but Laurens as well.

"Yes Damien?" I answer back my voice still steady after all his drunken babble.

"I'm going to tell you a secret?"

"Okay." I whisper. Excitement takes over in folds as I pounder over the fact that I'm going to be able to get a bit of in site within Damien's life.

"You can't tell anyone this!" He asks his voice quiet as he imamates the voice of a child.

"I promise I won't tell anyone, Damien." I step forwards closing the gap, pushing him to bend his neck further to look at me in the eyes.



"You are fucking mine." And this that he fell asleep: standing up with his head against my shoulder.

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