Part 15

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In that moment even a caged bird was more free than I.


Previously in 60 days with Damien black:

"Welcome to Damien's home, piccola. I hope your stay, is pleasant."


"It's beautiful isn't it?" The buff Italian asks.

"Definitely." The house it's self is simply exquisite.

Before you even see the house though, you are first presented with a large golden gate, that opens up to reveal a beautiful garden full of roses of all colours.

It's a picture out of a Disney movie, and I'm not exaggerating.

It's heaven, and to think that the devil himself lives here seems unfair to all the good people out there that have nothing.

Still in a daze, I exit the car. "Piccola, I must explain the rules to you before you go make yourself at home."

I frown, "Rules?"

"Yeah, Damien wanted me to go over them with you." His face is void of emotions, unlike mine that is showing compete and utter anxiety.

To be honest, I'm not surprised there's rules. Just nervous as to what the rules are.

"Okay, are we going to go inside first?"

"Of course." He smiles, walking in front of me to knock on the large golden door. "Andrea open the door."

After 3 knocks on the door, a middle aged women opens the door. Her hair is dark brown similar to mine and her eyes are a warm hazel, making her look like a goddess. "Finally, I thought I was going to die out here." The Italian huffs.

"Can't you hold your horses, you impatient bag pipe."

I giggle at her words while Ronaldinho sulks. "Hello, my name is Andrea. I'm this old hags wife and the housekeeper." Smiling, she takes me in for a hug.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Amber." I say while still embraced by her.

"Come on Caro, let her go." Ronaldinho whispers, but his face holds a light, I know was caused by his wife.

"Sorry." Andrea mutters letting me go.

"It's okay." I smile. I actually don't mind, her intrusive hug, seeing as I'm the hugging type.

"Come on, let's go into the living room." Ronaldinho mutters, taking me gently by my arm. "See you in a minute Caro." He kisses his wife on his cheek and I walk behind him.

"See you both later." Andrea waves at me and I smile.

Taking in my surroundings, I notice that Ronaldinho has stopped in front of a glass table.

"Okay, piccola. Remember these are not my words." He takes out a document and starts to read.

"On Monday the 3rd of March, these rules and regulations will be read to Amber Christiana Williams. She will sign them and follow them or else, she must leave the mansion within 24 hour notice." Ronaldinho pauses to look at me and I nod at him to continue.

"1) Amber is not aloud to have any males in the house unless Damien is present.

2) Amber must wear clothes that cover her completely, to elaborate no shorts , crop tops etc...

3) Amber must notify Damien before she leaves the house.

4) Amber is not aloud to leave and enter the mansion at undignified hours.

5) Amber must cook, 3 times a week.

6) Amber is not permitted to enter Damien's office unless given permission.

7) Most important, Amber can not have any sort of contact with Blake Rowland within the mansion.

And that's it." Ronaldinho mutters at the end, but I hardly catch it considering I'm still trying to get my head around the 7th rule.

Why can't I contact Blake? I mean the rest of the rules are ridiculous, but this one rule bothers me more than the others.

I'm sorry but this rule is definitely going to be broken at one point.

Not now obviously, considering the fact that Blake isn't ready to talk to me yet; but when he is I'm not going to ignore him.

That would be cruel.

"Sign here." I hear a voice, snapping out of my daze I look at Ronaldinho.

"Can I talk to Damien before I sign this, I'm not really sure how I feel about rule number 7." I don't want to sign something I will eventually break.

"I'm sorry piccola that's not possible, he's not here at the moment."

"Then I'm sorry Ronaldinho, I can not sign this." I cross my arms barricading my chest.

"Come on piccola." The Italian scolds, his tone laced with a fatherly tone that I have never known.

I shake my head say "No. I don't agree with rule number 7."

"Im aware of that, but you can't stay if you don't sign the contract. So just sign it and when Damien comes you can make some adjustments."

"But I don't want to be dishonest and say I will do something and not do it. I mean come on Ronaldinho, these rules are outrageous."

"Okay, so where will you stay piccola? Because you have to sign the contract to remain here."

Before I can explain to Ronaldinho, that all I need is a phone call with Damien to sort this out, I'm interrupted by the sight of someone's shoes.

My eyes bulk and I slowly start to assess what stands before me. My view makes its way from his laced boots to his black jeans to his leather jacket to his red blood lips to his blue cold eyes.

"Pick up the damn pen and sign it."


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