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"Mei,this is Yuzuko Okagi and from now on she's going to live with you ", Mayumi introducing the blonde to her daughter.

"W..what! " Shouted her in annoyance "W.....why would you let a stranger to live with me ....y..your own daughter, what if she do something to me?" , complaining the brunette to her mother trying to change her decision of hiring someone to babysit her.

"Hey! I know Yuzuko for so long and I'm confident that she's not a bad girl ,if you just give her a chance to know her better you will see that she's a nice girl so be nice to her , " Mayumi scolded the brunette .

"From now on she's living here with you and that's final ,wether you like it or not.  She will be your babysitter starting today and i hope that your gonna treat her nicely understood" ,mei made a tsk tsk sound , she doesn't approve what her mother saying to her right now, she stomp her foot in annoyance as she really hate the idea having a stranger to live with her.

"She will also attend thesame college as you,so you will go to the uni together and go home together," Mayumi continued to explain . "Great! not just at home we will also attending thesame university " mei thought angrily.

"Yuzuko you  understood your job right you do the household chores and your gonna watch my daughter 24/7 and that means".....before mayumi could say further more mei interrupt her mother "what do mean by that mother ?" Mei yelled as she asked her mother with irritated voice and slammed her hand to the table.

"Sigh!" She ran a hand into her hair as she looked to her daughter with annoyance. "Don't yelled at me, I'm still your mother and as your mother you need to follow everything i say ," Mayumi said angrily while looking at her daughter.

Mei look away and made a tsk tsk sound again while folding her arms and stomped her foot in annoyance.

"As i said you need to bring yuzuko wherever you go, you're not allowed to go outside without her ,you understood" ,mayumi explain with a serious look in her face.

"Even a date with my girlfriend !"mei  complain.

"Yeah! even on a date with your girlfriend you need to bring her,end of discussion."

The brunette groan in annoyance and looked over to the silent blonde sitting on the couch and then glare at her, Yuzu looked down nervously to avoid the gaze of the brunette.

"Ohh i forgot to tell you guys Mei here is a lesbian and she have a girlfriend.😒
I'm sorry if the chapter is so short .✌️😅

The next chapter will be Mei's pov

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