chapter 26

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'' Ouch !" Yuzu groan when her back touch the floor with a loud thud .

" Ahh! That's hurt, my back hurts. " She groan softly , then suddenly, a familiar weight above her makes her stop groaning as her attention was now focus to the person above her who she accidentally pulled with her when she was about to fall to the floor . The brunette use her arms to lifted herself a bit to look at the blonde beneath her , unaware of how she looks at the moment, because after the blonde grabbed her robe accidentally, the tie on her robe she was wearing loosen a bit and when she lifted herself, the robe slide smoothly through her shoulder until it landed down to her elbow and the sight almost made Yuzu's nose to bleed.

" Are you alright yuzu ? Did you got hurt ? " She asked , looking at the flustered blonde with full of concern.

Yuzu was too stunned to speak looking at the brunette exposed breast with a red-faced. ' O my gosh the shape..! S..Should I pushed her ?' Yuzu thought in panic.

Mei's an unaware that her naked breast are now exposed from the blonde's eyes . While on the other hand, Yuzu was having a hard time not to look at Mei's tempting pink nipple.

" Miss Mei, please cover yourself. " Yuzu beg. Looking away with a red-faced.

" Huh !?.....Cover myself !? Why ? "

Seeing the brunette not getting her message, Yuzu put her one hand on mei's shoulder to pushed her slightly enough to make the brunette sit straight on her thigh, so that she can get up herself. She was now sitting, with Mei on her lap . Yuzu immediately grabbed Mei's robe and lifted it over her shoulder then tied it tightly before the brunette could react.

" Better ," she said. Feeling relieved that the brunette exposed front was now fully covered. "Can you please stand up now Ms. Mei ." She asked . Her voice is calm as usual , but deep inside she's worried that the brunette will act thesame way like last night. Hot and sexy.

Mei was staring at the blonde with unreadable expression on her face, while her hands was on the blonde's shoulder .

'Seeing my naked breast, and that thing down there has zero reaction.' Mei thought in annoyance. 'Am I not attractive enough to make her get excited or what ? ' Fuming .

Stared back with a blushing face. ' Why's she looking at me like that? ..Argh... She's so closed that I can even smell something nice from her , and it's bother me. Well, she just came out from the shower. '

" Yuzu, am I ugly ?" Leaning closer , resting her hands on the blonde's shoulders.

" Why'd you asked? " Looking away , blushing. To avoid eye contact with the brunette.

Cupping Yuzu's cheeks to make the blonde look at her in the eyes. Their faces are now inches away from each other.

" Yuzu, look at me !... Tell me, how do I look to you as a woman ? " Mei look serious and the way she said it is like a command, wanting to know what Yuzu thought of her .

Yuzu look straight to the brunette's eyes like Mei told her . ' She has thesame eyes color with her father and grandfather but her eyes is a bit different. Maybe because she has long eyelashes that makes her eyes more alluring than others or maybe because she's a girl.' She thought.

" Umm... Y.. you're a pretty lady Miss Mei. "

" Really ? " A small smile appeared from Mei's lips as she look down shyly with a tint of blush on her cheeks." So you think I'm pretty. " Mei asked staring intently into Yuzu's emerald eyes .

Staring into each other eyes. Yuzu gasps, when she noticed the look of mei's eyes , thesame way as how the brunette look at her last night . The longing kind of expression .

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