chapter 28

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"Argh! My head hurts! " Yuzu groan as she open her eyes. She touch her forehead as she feel around her spinning. She can't remember how many shot she tooks earlier to be so drunk, to the point she can't remember anything that's happened after,  and how she managed to get to her  room . While she's in the middle of  thinking ,she suddenly felt a hand on her thigh and feel her thing being suck .

" What the ......" She scream  when she noticed someone between her legs under the blanket , without hesitation ,she pulled the blanket off of her to see who it was and found the brunette  between her legs, sucking her .

" Mmm ! Hah ! " She moan after releasing the blonde's penis on her mouth and give the blonde a hunger gaze that will make any man to pop a boner.

"Did I wake you up, Yuzu ? " Asked her with a smirk while slowly crawling on top of Yuzu until her face is now inches away from the blonde's face.

The blonde's mouth still  hanging open in shocked .

"Hehehe! Does it feel so good that you become speechless. " Mei said, chuckling a bit in amusement.

" Yuzu glared at Mei after gaining back her senses . " Wh-what do you think your doing? A-And where are they ? " She asked with confusion and stuttering voice.

" Our friends?  They're all left already or so I say, I sent them away so I can start doing this , " she moves her hips and moan when her wet pussy rub into Yuzu's hard thing. The sensation of their rare end rubbing to each other was too much for her and she fell down on top of the blonde , trembling.

"S-Stop ! I thought your mad at me , cause you walk out on me this morning, and now......
She suddenly hide her face using her forearm as she felt her face become hot when she remembered the look of Mei's face while sucking her thing.

"Why did you stop ? " Mei asked, teasing the blonde , making Yuzu's face more redder .

With an embarrassed face she look at the brunette in the eye, before placing her hands on the brunette shoulders, pushing her away gently. "Can you get off of me now, I want to put some clothes. I feel a bit chilly being naked. " She said, making excuses.

"No need to get dressed cause I'm here to warm you, Yuzu." After saying it, she pulled the blanket all over them to cover them both while still on top of the blonde, pressing her down , snuggling to her. Yuzu scream as her vision become dark under the blanket. The warmth of Mei's breath on her neck  and the warmth of their body pressing together making it hard for her to resist.

' God ! I shouldn't drink earlier, if I know this will happen ! ' Yuzu thought with regrets while her neck being suck by the brunette. Her eyes widen when suddenly , she felt Mei's hand running down to her stomach until it's find it way to it's final destination. To her penis. A warm hand holding her shaft firmly as she felt on her tip something wet . Mei trying to put her thing inside of her . Knowing that  if she let the brunette do her pace then they will end up doing it till dawn like last time and it will be bad if she accidentally knocked-up the brunette .

" Mei, w-we can't mmhp ! " Yuzu moan when she felt the tip of her penis slip inside Mei's entrance. The sensation of having her penis inside the brunette's tight entrance make her close her eyes for a moment of pleasure , as she bite her bottom lips to try to silent her moans . Taking a deep breath while closing her eyes before she rolled over to change their position . Yuzu's now above the brunette panting , looking at the disappointed brunette after pulling out her thing from her entrance .

Mei look away while biting the inside of her cheeks , trying to hold back those tears that now forming from the corner of her eyes.

"Ehh! Why are you crying? Did it hurt when I pulled it out?  " Yuzu asked in panic.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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