chapter 18

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Ms. Mei ,are you alright, please open the door shouted yuzu from the outside when she heard the brunette scream and called her name .

She tried to open it by banging on the door but the force isn't enough to open it .So she stepped back away from the door before kicking it hard until it open .

She was shocked to see the brunette lying on the floor and almost naked . Her upper clothes were torn and she was gagged and her hands were tied with a belt .

__________inside the library_____________

"Yuzu!" shouted the brunette,then suddenly they heard someone outside banging the door and calling the brunette.

The two masked men was startled when suddenly someone banging on the door and looking for the brunette. They both looked at each other confusedly,they thought that there's no one left at the uni except for them and the brunette.

Mei tried to scream for help but failed miserable,when one of the two men immediately put a gagged on her mouth to stop her from screaming and tied her hands at her back with the belt and they also tied the end of her shoelace to make it difficult for her to stand.

She couldn't do anything but struggle as she tried to stand up to warn the blonde that the two men who tied her up were just hiding to surprised attack the blonde when she entered.


She was surprised to see the brunette lying on the floor and almost naked,her upper clothes were torn and she was gagged and her hands were tied behind her back with a belt and her shoelace is also tied at both ends .

"Ms. Mei ,"shouted the blonde as she approach the brunette.

"Mmmmmm" mei growled as her eyes widened when she saw that one of the two men was holding a knife and was about to stab the blonde from behind.

"What happened,who did this to you?" Yuzu asked the brunette worriedly as she removed the gag from the brunette's mouth.

"Yuzu behind you" mei shouted to warn the blonde . In Yuzu's surprised, she immediately caught the knife with both hands .

She lost her balance and fell to the floor while stopping the knife from hitting her face. There's a lot of blood dripping from her hands ,She hissed when she felt that sting on her cut as the knife blade continued to press into her palm .

Then another man appeared to help his colleague who holding a chair to hit the blonde .

"Yuzu!" shouted mei again to warn the blonde about the other guy.

Yuzu notice this so she pulled the man on top of her towards her to use him as a shield when she saw that another man was about to hit her with a chair .

Yuzu quickly averted her face after pulling the man towards her but the blade still hit her cheeks slightly and cut it a little.

The man on top of her was hit by the chair so he lost consciousness , yuzu immediately push the man away from her and quickly stood up to face the other man.

The man position himself to punch the blonde, yuzu luckily dodge the first attack and retaliated with a punch that was also dodge by her opponent.

His opponent attack again and hit her in the mouth, Yuzu's lips bled from the blow she received .She wipes the blood from her lips using the back of her hand and she struck again with a blow that hit directly to the man nose .

He almost tripped and lost his balance after he was punched in the nose then suddenly he felt blood dripping from his nose under the mask he was wearing .

He immediately touch his bloody nose to stop the blood that was dripping from it .The man scream angrily and hurriedly ran into the blonde's direction to retaliate but it turned out that Yuzu was already waiting to kick his ass.

The man fell to her knees as he cried in pain and grabbed his bulls when the blonde kicked him hard there. She followed it up with a round kicked to the mans face that put her opponent to sleep.

"Ms. Mei are you alright" said the blonde as she approach the brunette after the fight when the two men . Mei nodded," please help me with this yuzu "she asked, then the blonde removed the belt that was tied to mei's hands then she also untie the brunette shoelace.

" Done" she said after she released the brunette. Mei immediately hugged the blonde , "thanks yuzu for saving me "she said as she clung to the blonde's neck tightly while crying .

She hesitate for a bit before she respond to the hug and hug her back "it's alright, you're safe now ms. Mei" , she said as she rubs mei's back to comfort her.

"Yuzu,how did you find me? " asked the brunette while looking at the blonde's eyes.

__________________Flashback ______________

The blonde was waiting the brunette at the gate when the brunette friends arrived. They told her that mei had something to do at the library and that she should go home first.

The blonde didn't complied the brunette said and still stand there at the gate to wait for her . After a long time of waiting outside she decided to look for the brunette and help her in what she was doing right now so that it could be finished quickly and that they both could go home.

When she arrived at the library she wondered why the door was closed she thought Mei might be in the chairman's office so she decided to go there when she was about to leave she heard the brunette scream inside the library .

_______________in of flashback _____________

That's what happened ms. Mei after that i started banging the door to open it forcefully.

Mei nod,then clung to the blonde's neck and buried her head there to hide her blushing face . "I thought you already left" she said .

How can i leave without you ms. Mei, it's part of my job as your babysitter to be with you all the time so i looked for you to make sure your alright.

"So it's all about the job" asked mei as she looked to the blonde with a teary eyes who looked like she was going to cry at any moment while still clinging to Yuzu's shoulder .

The blonde remain silent as she doesn't know how to respond the brunette .
The police immediately came to arrest the two men who tried to raped mei. They recognize them as Yamada Troy and Takahashi Tommy .

They went to the police station to give a statement . Mei's parents arrived after they received a call from yuzu about what happened ,at first they were still calmly walking inside then suddenly they rushed towards the two suspect . Mayumi ,mei's mom slaps Troy until his face was swollen. While sho angrily punched Tommy in the stomach until he cough and fell to his knees holding on to his stomach.

The police did nothing but watch the Aihara's couple beat the two suspect ,even mei and yuzu were stunned as they watch the two adults beat up the two like a wild beast .

"How dare you to try to rape my daughter " mei's mom shouted at the two . "I will make sure the two of you will have no future after you two get out of the prison " both yelled angrily.

The two feel threaten about what the Aihara's will do to them ,they all know that the Aihara's are capable of destroying anyone's life if they wanted to so they immediately knelt down and begged for forgiveness ,they also confess what they did to the brunette before and that was all Aiko's plan to get closer to the brunette.

Mei's eyes widened in disbelief when she found out that what happened to her before was all Aiko's plan as well as saving her was all an act so that she would fall for her.

'So it was all a lie, all those years that we we're together was all an act . How fool I am to believe that she loves me how can I not see her true colors for all those years. I'm such an idiots.' Mei feel devastated much more than she caught Aiko cheated on her , now that she knows the truth it hurts her like a tone of break's fall into her head. The girl never once love her .

I'm sorry guys for taking so long to update , I'm also working on my other stories so i hope you like it and thank you for still reading my story 😊

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