chapter 5

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Mei is in her room laying on her bed ,the raven haired beauty is still upset that her mother hired a babysitter for her to watch her ,"god damnit ! "Shouted her angrily .

Meanwhile yuzu and Mayumi is still talking in the living room,i think we forgot to tell her about being intersex, I'm sure she's going to freakout if she finds out about my secrets and I don't want to be alone if that's gonna happen .

"I'm afraid that she will kick me out in this house .She's already hated the fact that she's going to live with a stranger, what's more if she finds out that I am a freak ," Yuzu say worriedly while looking down at her feet .

"Don't say like that yuzuko! You're not a freak okay! "Said Mayumi to comfort the anxious blonde . "Now, go to my daughter's room and bring her back here.  Tell her I need to talk to her," Yuzu nodded .

Mei is sitting on her bed reading a book when she heard a knock in her door .She just remain silent until the person who still knocking on her door speak.  "Ms. Mei, your mother asking you to come down , she has something to tell you before she leave. She will be waiting for you in the living room . "After she heard the brunette response she left and come back to the living room.

The raven haired girl close her book then get out in her bed, she open the door then close it back and go to the living room. " So what do you want to tell me? " Ask mei with annoyance.

"Oh! about that ! " She look at the blonde . "Yuzuko, do you want me to tell her or you want to tell her yourself ? "Asked Mayumi to the blonde , if it is okay for her to tell her secret or she prefer to tell her by herself .

Mei look at them confused. " So who really want to talked to me ? it is you mother or her?"  asked her with an irritated voice.

"I tell her ! " Yuzuko say with a determine look. She cleared her throat as she prepared herself to speak . " I.. I-I'm i-intersex !" she whispered the word while gripping the end of her white polo shirts long sleeves.

Yeah! Yuzu's outfit is a shorts short and big white polo shirts long sleeves that covered her shorts short and she's wearing also a black ankle strap flat sandals .

"What did you say ?! I didn't hear you! " mei asked raising her eyebrow at the the nervous blonde .

"I-I said I'm intersex! " Yuzu raised her voice unintentional  while closing her eyes ,still gripping her white polo shirts long sleeves.

Mei just looking at her blankly like she didn't hear what yuzu said . After a minute of silence, she asked ...." what's intersex ?".

Yuzuko open her eyes then look at the raven haired girl with anxiety. " I'm a woman born with a p-penis " she explain nervously as she closed her eyes and wait for the brunette outburst .

After a moment of silence, Yuzu decided to look at the brunette. She had a unreadable expression on her face ,then she close her eyes and ran a hand on her hair and look to her mother.

"Mother let's talk to my room and you ,you stay here until we've done talking!  understood? " Yuzu gulp and nodded nervously.

The mother and daughter go upstairs to mei's room .

"What do you want us to talk about?  That you need to bring me here in your room! "  Mayumi asked with a puzzle look while folding her arms infront of her daughter.

Mei glared at her mother  . "Really mother ! Are we gonna play dumb here ! Do you really think that I wouldn't find out your plan that you hired that girl, thinking that I will fall for her ,have sex with her and give you grandchildren. "

"Do you really think that because she have pretty face and mesmerizing emerald eyes and sexy body and smell nice too,  I will fall for her and end up liking dicks !" Realizing what she said, her face become red like tomatoes .

"I didn't mean anything, I'm just stating facts." She explained while faking cough, to shake her embarrassment .

The author and Mayumi smirk 😏

"Oh! So you think she's pretty and sexy that's a good start hehe!" smirking to her daughter .

"Like I said mother! " Before she could more complain to her mother, Mayumi put a finger to her lips to stop her from talking, "I already heard enough ,now let's just end this discussion .Let's made a bet if you still don't like yuzuko before the end of the year then you can fired her and do whatever you want in your life." She said with a confident smirk on her face that she will win .

"And if you fall in love with her then you will give me cute grandchildren. " She added while smirking to her daughter.

"Ehh!" Was all Mei could say, as her face turned red like a tomatoes.

" Don't tell yuzuko about our deal , she don't have an  idea about me shipping you two." She said ,smiling to her daughter.


I Fall In Love With My Babysitter 😍(Citrus) Where stories live. Discover now