chapter 4

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Mayumi Pov

I really have a feeling that there's something fishy about that girl ,Aiko ,like she's someone who only want to harm my daughter and I won't let that happen.

I'm going to protect my daughter and since she already got her own place I need to make a plan to make sure her safety , I already had someone in mind so I dialed her no#  ....

"Hello! " said the person on the other line .

"Hello! Yuzuko...can you come to my place , I need to  discuss something it's about a job that I gonna to offer you", I said directly to her .

Ofcourse I won't tell her about the hidden agenda of shipping  them with my belove daughter "hehehe!" I laugh just thinking about my plan, since I met that kid 3 years ago and when I find out about her condition that she's intersex I made up my mind that I'm going to help this kid so that in the future she and my daughter will give me super cute grandchildren.

I already know back then about my daughter sexuality before she confess to us that she like girls , I accepted it but as a mother I wanted to have a grandchild that came to my only daughter mei , that's will make me happy to take care my grandchildren and play with them.

The plan is to make them fall in love to each other and get raid of that bitch girl Aiko out of my daughter's life .

Before i fall deep in thoughts of my imagination of chasing my two cute grandchildren in the park the doorbell rangs then our maid nana called me that my future daughter in law is already here she didn't said about the in laws thing it's all just in my head hahaha! 🤣🤣🤣

End of the shippers pov ✌️

No one pov

Yuzuko and mrs.aihara is in the garden having a tea chat.

"So how are you yuzuko? You look more gorgeous and taller than the last time i saw you ,"Mrs.Aihara said gushing the blonde's appearance.


"I'm fine and thank you for asking , I also think that i grow more taller than before but I..i.don't think I'm gorgeous ,everyone who knows my condition still look me with disgust except you and mr. Sho , I don't think if there's someone in this world who gonna accept someone like me", Yuzu said with a sad tone.

"Don't say that yuzuko!  I'm sure there's someone out there who will accept you", thinking about her daughter and smile .

"You're so kind to me Mrs Aihara ,thank you "yuzu bowing her head saying it .

"You and mr. Aihara are one of those people who treat me nicely, I'm very glad that i met both of you . Since that day you met me,  you never stop helping me and I'm so great ful for that if there's something I can do for you and your family please don't hesitate to ask me I'm gladly to help ."

"Oh come on Yuzuko your not an outsider to us, your like a family so don't be so formal when your talking to us okay and stop bowing already." Mayumi stated.

"Thank you, " Yuzu said before she sit back from her seat.

"Um... I remembered you called me here for something right?" Asked her with a curious look on her face.

"Right, I almost forgot, I wanted to offer you a job ," she smiled at the blonde.

"What kind of job?" Ask yuzuko with curiosity.

"I want to hired you as my daughter's babysitter, " she said with a hopeful look on her face that the blonde will accept her offer.

Yuzu's eyes widened while hearing this,"I really need a job but can I asked first why you need to hired a babysitter for her?, I'm just curious, as I remember you told me before that your daughter is thesame age as me, is she sick ?" asked her with a concerned tone.

"Ah! no no!" Mrs. Aihara wave her hand. My daughter is fine it just that  ........
my daughter is so clumsy in the kitchen and I don't want her to burn the whole house so that's why I wanted to hired you to live with her and do the household for my daughter. " She reasoned with a smiled .

"So what do you think , I will also pay for your tuition if you accept my offer," Mayumi explain as she waited for yuzuko's answer.

"I accept the job ," replied the blonde .

"Really!" she said happily as she hold the blonde's hand and thank her .

"Ummm,no need to thank me, i should be the one thanking you mrs. Aihara you help me a lot and now your paying for my tuition ,I'm really thankful for everything you have done to me ," the blonde stand up and bowed her head , I assured you i will do my best, thank you for trusting me to babysit your daughter, " she said .

"You can raise your head now yuzuko," she tapped the blonde's shoulder and said .....
"I'll text you the address and we will met there".

She nodded. After the blonde left , Mayumi smirk and said "for my future grandchildren I will do my best also ."

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