chapter 1

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This is a flashback of a high schooler mei aihara who still live with her parents.

No one's pov

There's a brunette holding hand with a brown haired girl who much smaller than her but thesame age as her .

"I want you to meet my parents so i gonna introduce you to them today," Mei said. Then the brown haired girl nodded nervously.

"Hey! don't be nervous babe , they're really nice and also i already told them about us so relax ,"  reassured the brunette to her girlfriend.

"Alright babe, " she said and kiss the brunette cheeks. The brunette smile with her girlfriend sweet gesture.

"Ohh! We already here so let's go , " Mei said before knocking on the door and after a second they heard a click then the doors open. 

"Welcome back lady Mei, greeted the maid as she lead them inside . "Wow!"  The brown haired girl gush when she saw  the inside of the Aihara's Mansion .  "It's so pretty here!" She said in amusement. "You're really super rich babe! " She exclaimed.

"Not me, my parents, " replied the brunette with a frown.

"You're their daughter so your gonna inherit this all in the future, " the brunette didn't respond to it and shifted her gaze to their maid .

"Nana, where's mother and father? " asked mei to her maid .

"Master sho is in his office while madam is in..."  before the maid finish what she was about to say they all both turn around when mei's mother called the brunette's name.

"Ohh Mei , you're already here. " Mayumi greeted her daughter as she went down the stairs.

"Ummm....mother , i want you to met Aiko my girlfriend , " the brunette smile as she introduced her girlfriend to her mother  .

"I'm Aiko Amimaya nice to ...."

" Do we met before?"  she cut by Mrs. Aihara. " You look so familiar,  " she raise one of her eyebrow while looking to Aiko suspiciously.

Aiko sweating nervously. " I....I...d.. don't t...think so auntie, "she stuttered.

Authors pov: feeling close already bitch 😒

"Maybe you just mistook me for someone else, " added her still sweating nervously. 

"Yeah! maybe your right " replied mayumi who still have a look of doubt for her daughter's girlfriend.

'I have a feeling that we've met before I can't just remember where.' Mayumi thought.

"Mother there's so many girls with brown hair here in japan maybe you just mistook her for someone else ," intervened mei to cut the tension. " My face is so common," add Aiko who laugh nervously while avoiding to make eye contact with Mayumi.

Authors Pov : yeah so common like you can seen those kind of faces everywhere in the streets 😏

Mayumi shrugged her shoulder and nodded ," Alright , Let's go to the dining area so we could start our dinner, nana call sho ,tell him that her daughter and our guest are already here so we could start our dinner. The made nodded ,"Yes !madam," the maid bow and excuse herself .

After the dinner they all sat in the couch and the maid brought them a tea .

"Since when you two start dating?" ask mayumi with a curious look on her face looking to Mei and Aiko while sipping on her tea .

"We're dating for already 4 month mother" replied mei , and Aiko just nodded in response.

"Ohh! Is that so," She said. ' So isn't that long.' Mayumi thought .

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