chapter 6

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Mei and mayumi comeback from the living room,where yuzu is remain sitting from the couch like a good puppy waiting for her master to comeback .

"Yuzuko, you can go to your room now ,the one next to mei's room so you can start arranging your stuff ", she said smiling to the blonde.

"That means," she look to the brunette then to Mrs. Aihara before she continued her sentence, " she's willing to let me be her babysitter "she asked nervously.

"Yes! Yuzuko I already talked to her so you don't have to worry " ' and i hope that I win the bet ' in mayumi' s thoughts .

" And ... if my daughter bullies you yuzuko don't hesitate to called me i will scold her right away " she said as she give her daughter a scary smile .

The kind of smile that say don't try to bully my future daughter in law.

Mei look away and gulp," what's wrong with her , I'm her daughter ",she thought.

She approach the brunette and lean over to whispered to her daughter's ear," if the time came and you  thought of crawling in to her bed you have my full support hehe!, she give her a goodbye kiss in the cheeks before she left "bye, daughter ", she added .

While mei had a shock expression of her face like she can't believe what her mother whispered to her that make  her face  become so red like tomatoes.

"What the hell ? T..t.hat's ..that's will not gonna happen"  she shouted .

Meanwhile yuzuko is in her new room arranging  her things when mei suddenly entered her room.

"I have rules in this house that you must follow, " she said with crossing arms while looking at the blonde.

"Yuzu nodded "

"First rules  don't enter my room without my permission".

"Second rules don't ever try to touch me "

"As if i will "the blonde thought.

"Third rules i want you to keep a 10 steps distance from me all the time "is that clear.

Yuzu nodded

"Fourth rules don't talk to me unless it's about your job".

Last rules .........she hesitate a bit she don't want to sounds narcissist and assuming, thinking that everyone will fall in love with her ,  "don't fall in love with me , she said as the tip of her ears become red  " .

The blonde stared at her for a second before she respond with a nod .

"Alright that's all I leave you now "  when mei was about to leave the room "yuzu called her "

"Ms. Mei ,wait"

She turned back and look at yuzu with a curious look on her face"What is it ? "she asked with a raise eyebrow.

"Ummm! about the second rules"

"What about it? "

"What if there's  an emergency and I need to carry you do I'm still not allowed to touch you" asked the blonde.

Mei looked at her blankly for a second before she give a response to yuzu ,"but only if it is necessary you can touch me ,"she said.

"Thank you ms. Mei "

Mei just nod then left .

After yuzu finished arranging her stuff, she go downstairs and go in the kitchen to prepare lunch ,she made Donburi rice bawl then she put the one in the table and the other one in the kitchen .

She went to Mei's room and knock the door,"Ms. Mei your lunch is ready," after she heard the brunette respond, she left and returned to the kitchen to eat the Donburi rice bawl she prepared for herself.

Mei left her room after she heard yuzuko ,then she go to the dining table to eat her lunch .

While eating she saw yuzuko eating in the kitchen alone.  She thought of calling her so they could eat together in the table ,because she felt guilty seeing the blonde eating in the kitchen alone but when she about to called her .....she felt embarrassed ,After all she's the one who made those rules .She just shake her head and continue eating.

After they eat , yuzuko wash the dishes then after that she walk to the living room where she saw mei reading a book .

Yuzuko approach her and ask if she would like a tea? Then she nodded, yuzuko back to the kitchen to prepare a tea for mei .

She back to the living room to give  her tea , "here's your tea ms. Mei" ,she put the tea in the table and left .

Yuzuko decided to go in the garden ,She saw the garden was a mess and there were no flowers planted, she tied her hair in a band then put some gloves to start cleaning the garden.

She pulled out the wild grass and swept the dry leaves after that she thought that it would be nice if there's a lot of flowers in the garden .

After she finished what she was reading ,Mei wondered what yuzuko doing right now isn't that she cared ,she just curious of what her babysitter doing in the moment so she started looking for her around the house until she found her in the garden .

She decided to watch at her first then she saw  that her long blond hair are now tied in a band and she noticed also that the blonde was sweating a lot like the sweat was dripping down on her neck through her her white plain shirts.

Her top is sticking to her body showing her beautiful and perfect figure that you can even  see her pink bra underneath her shirt she was wearing.

She swallowed her saliva as she continued watching the blonde,Everything is so alluring to watch that she felt like her throat is going to dry and she want to lick and sucks those beautiful neck of her babysitter to quench her thirst who looked sparkling to her because of the sweat .

While she was fantasizing her babysitter,she didn't even noticed that yuzuko is calling her.

"Ms. Mei" called the blonde but mei didn't response and just staring at her. So she decided to approach her and wave her right hand infront of mei's face ... "Ms. mei ,are okay" she asked worriedly while still waving her hand infront of mei then she decided to shake mei's shoulder to snap her from spacing out then suddenly....

"What are you doing I told you not to touch me ....did you forgot about the rules".she said angrily.

"I'm sorry Ms. Mei I called you many times but I didn't get response from you . I even wave my hands infront of you but you still spacing out so i decided to shake you to snap out of you from spacing out.

"What are you thinking ms. Mei?"she asked the brunette

"Mei's whole face got red up to her ears "

"Mm...i ..i just think it would be nice if there were flowers planted in the garden".

"I thought thesame too" said the blonde.

😭😭 it's so sad eating alone , damn mei aihara 🤧🤧

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