chapter 15

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Back story part 2:

Class we have a new transfer student said Uchida sensei then she gesture the blonde to come inside. Please introduce yourself Uchida sensei added.

Everyone was surprised when the blonde entered the classroom, they didn't think that the new transfer student was a girl .

My name is Yuzuko Okagi nice to meet you all, said the blonde who bowed her head slightly . "You can sit now ms. Okagi "said Uchida sensei, then the blonde nods and  sat near the window.

"Hey! My name is Kenji Nakamura you can call me ken nice to met you " He introduce himself as she extended his hand for a shake hands . " let's be friends" added him while showing her charming smile to the blonde , showing her white perfect teeth.

The blonde look at the boy infront of her  then to his hand ,she hesitate for a bit before she took his hand and said " just call me Yuzu, and  nice meeting you too. " She said shaking the boys hand .

After class,  when Yuzu was about to go to the cafeteria she was  startled when  someone suddenly grabbed her by the shoulder .

"Hey! Yuzu, since we're now friends let's grab lunch together." Said Ken who are looking excited to eat lunch with the blonde.

Yuzu frown looking at the hands on her shoulder. She remove Ken's hand from her shoulder and said. " I'm fine to eat with you , but please don't touch me like that next time, I'm not comfortable with it."

"Sorry! Yuzu ,it's just a habit of mine to grabs my friends suddenly " Ken explained nervously while apologizing to the blonde.

" It's fine as long as you don't do it next time"  said the blonde with no expression.

Ken breath a sigh of relief when the blonde accepted his apology . " let's go. "  He said coming back from her cheerful self.

Yuzu nodded and followed Ken who act like a child jumping slightly while swaying his hands glancing at her from time to time making sure that she's following him .

When they got to the cafeteria Ken saw his best friend so he called him to introduce him to yuzu .

"Ryo!" Shouted him to get the other boy attention.

The boy wearing a red band on his arm with a council president written on it turned and looked in their direction .

"Ken, Why weren't you at the student council meeting earlier? Ryo spoke with an angry expression.

"Ken chuckle nervously and regretted calling the brunette."

"Did we have a meeting earlier? haha! s..sorry i..i forgot." He stammered as he try to hide his nervousness by laughing.

"Tell me,  did you also forget to wear your red band ." A dark aura envelope all over on Ryo's body making the guy infront of him sweat nervously as the cold eyes landed on him making Ken looks like a puppy who was about to be eaten by a wolf.

Yuzu decided to not interfere and remain standing not from a far , waiting for them to end their arguments so they could lunch together.

"Let me explained Ryo ," pleaded Ken who immediately run towards the blonde and hide behind her. " Sorry don't be angry please, spare my life Ryo ,Yuzu help me " Ken said pleadingly who hide from the blonde's back like a child asking for help .

"You bastard don't hide to that girl and face me like a real man. A Girl ? " Shouted him then suddenly he realized what just he said.

"What a girl doing here in a boys'school ?" Asked Ryo who immediately observed the girl from head to toe, " You're a student here, how's that possible. This is an all boys school how can a girl enrolled here . " He said with an obvious confused tone.

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