chapter 8

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While yuzu was washing the dishes, she heard someone knocking on the door. When she open the door she saw  two women and it was obvious on their faces that they were wondering why someone else opened the door on the brunette house.

The two woman looked at each other before they asked if mei was here . I nodded in response. I stared at the two women , one is a brunette thesame height of mei with hazel eyes and the other women is a midget with blue eyes and pink hair .

"Can I know who's looking for Ms. Mei  ?" I asked the two women politely.

The two look at the blonde confusedly they didn't expect that a tall blonde girl will open the door for them .

"We are Meichan friends" replied the pink haired girl with a smirk.

"Is that so, please come in" she said as she gestured the two women politely to come inside then she told them to sit  while waiting for the brunette. She left them in the living room to call Mei.

Then yuzu go upstairs and knock Mei's
room to tell her that she had a visitor.

Knock! Knock!

"What is it?" asked mei from the inside of the room when she heard someone knocking on her door ,"Ms. Mei ,there's a two women looking for you, they said they were your friends , they're in the living room waiting for you ".

"Tell them I'm coming down"replied the brunette from the inside.

"Alright! "

She said before she went downstairs and returned to the living room where mei's two guest waiting .

"Would you like something to drink 
Coffee, tea or juice "asked the blonde with a smile.

"Juice please thank you " they said in unison.

"Nodded, I'll be right back "

Mei went downstairs to see who had come,she saw her two friends in the living room sitting on the couch.

"What are you two doing here?" she asked with a raise eyebrow .

"Oh! Come on meichan you sounds like we are stranger's ? " Matsuri pretended to be hurt.

"Yeah! Meichii, you're our friends so we here to check you out if your okay" Harumin answered with a hurtful expression also pretending that she feel hurt by the brunette cold attitude towards them.

Mei rolled her eyes.

"Are we no longer welcome here anymore or we disturbing you with that pretty blonde you are with " matsuri tease the brunette while smirking.

"What are you talking about,stop talking nonsense we don't have that kind of relationship".

They saw the blonde approaching holding a tray with two glasses of juice and one cup of tea .

"Here's your drink" she put the two glass of juice infront of each guest and put the cup of tea infront of mei then before she left she heard the brunette with hazel eyes speak .

"What's your name ?" Harumin asked while holding the glass of orange juice.

Yuzuko look to mei then back to the brunette and introduce herself," I'm Yuzuko, ....Yuzuko Okagi ".

"Hi ! I'm Harumi Tanaguchi you can call me harumi or harumin then she extended her hand for a shake hands ,...yuzu accept the shake hands and nodded.

"Hi! I'm also Matsuri Mizusawa nice to meet you Yuzu chan" smirking.. hey! that's unfair then I will call her also yuzuchi ".

"It's that alright with you if I call you yuzuchi  ?"asked harumi with a hopeful look.

"If that makes you comfortable then you can call me yuzuchi , Ms. Harumin" Yuzu answered with a genuine smile.

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