chapter 9

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Today is the first day of school so yuzu got up early to prepare breakfast and bento for mei and her. She decide to made pancakes for breakfast.

First she combine flour, sugar and baking powder ,and salt in a large bowl .make a well in a center and pour in milk,oil ,and egg.Then she heat a  frying pan  over medium high heat .Spoon the batter onto the pan and cook it's side until it is golden brown ,then she put it on the plate .

Then she started preparing their bento,after that she took a bath and after she got dressed she went to mei's room to wake her up.

" mei" said yuzu while knocking at the door , she heard a click, the doors open and mei came out of her room wearing only a white polo long sleeves without a bra underneath ,showing her nice ass and her long white slender legs.

Yuzu immediately blush and look away she couldn't look at mei ,she told her to get ready and they would be late to class then she immediately went downstairs and went back from the kitchen to eat the pancakes she prepared. After she finish eating she put her bento to her bag ,then she heard the engine of mei's Audi A5 sport car start .

Thinking that mei already left ,she open the door and went outside, but when she turned around she saw that mei's car  was still there outside the gate .

"Why hasn't she left yet?" she asked to herself.

When she came out of the gate she approach mei's car .....

"Is there something wrong with your car?" asked yuzu

"No!" Mei answered in a low tone of voice, she felt embarrassed to offer a ride on the blonde because of the rules she made .

"No?.... Is she waiting for me? " ' Stop assuming yuzu that's impossible, she hate you remember, why would she wait for you ' yuzu shake her head before glancing back at Mei.

"Alright, then I'll go first Ms. Mei , see you at the University.  " Yuzu bowed her head slightly before walking away .

After yuzu left ,mei scolded herself for being stupid .

Mei's pov :

I woke up from a loud knock on my door.I heard yuzu calling me, I open the door then I notice that her face was all red. "What's wrong with her? "  i thought to myself,  then she spoke quickly without looking at me after that she left me immediately.

I shrugged my shoulder before i went back inside my room to prepare my things and to get ready to take a quick shower. While am I unbuttoning my pajamas I realized that I didn't wear a bra and only wearing a white polo long sleeves . My face turned red as I remember Yuzu's expression earlier. ' Gosh! I'm so careless. ' I covered my face in shame .

"She's blushing earlier so that means she think also I'm attractive, right. Argh ! Whatever ... As if I care what she thought of me. " I said , as  I hurriedly took a bath and dress up quickly then I go downstairs to eat breakfast before putting my bento inside my bag and left  .

I was now in car , starting my engine and ready to go but i didn't leave yet , I thought to offer her a ride so that she doesn't need to take a bus so i waited for her to come out. It didn't take long for me to wait as I heard the door open then close then I saw her walking towards me , I noticed the confused look on her face when she saw me not leaving yet .

She asked if there's something wrong with my car ,after i said No , she left immediately ..." Ouch" I yelp as I rub my forehead after I hit my head on the steering wheel . Stupid brain.  I cursed myself for being a coward.

End of pov


When mei arrived at the University ,she  park her  audi and got out of the car .She saw all of her friends coming towards her .

Good morning president greets shiraho and nene in unison .

Mei greeted the two in response before shifted her gaze to her other friends and greeted them also. Wandering. She look around hoping to see her girlfriend.

' She's not here yet, '

Mei snap back from her thoughts when she heard her friends bickering at each other.

"Hey ! I should be the first to greet mei mei ," said himeko with annoyance,then she give nene and her girlfriend a death glare for ruining her plans on greeting her meimei first .

"Sorry babe, "  Shiraho apologize as she hugged himeko and lean closer for a kiss.

Himeko rolled her eyes before letting her girlfriend to kiss her. " That's enough," she said after breaking the kiss . " I need to greet my mei mei ,i don't want anyone to take the second place of greeting her today. " But before she could greet the brunette, Matsuri and harumin had preceded her in saying good morning to her mei mei.

"Good morning mei chan ,good morning mei chi said matsuri and harumi  in thesame time.

"Arrghh!  I hate you guys , " said himeko with an annoyed look .

"I didn't see meimei for 2 weeks because I need to go to korea to buy the new doll that I want to add to my barbie collection so I came here early at Uni hoping to greet my meimei first , " she said pouting .

"Isn't our fault that you have a weird hobby eyebrow chan, " matsuri said with a smug look.

"Speaking of barbie , you should see mei chan babysitter she looks like a real life barbie, " matsuri said while smirking at Mei's direction.

Mei glared matsuri .

"President  has a babysitter, " shouted Shiraho and nene in unison, wearing a surprise expression on their faces.

"Really she looks like a real barbie ? mei mei I want to see her ,where is she ?" asked the short brunette looking excited meeting a real life barbie.

"Yeah! Mei chan ,where is yuzu chan? " asked matsuri while looking around .

"She's ..." Before Mei could respond, her attention drag her to the noise from the group of students near the entrance of the Uni , murmuring to each other while looking at the person who just arrived.

Everyone are looking at the entrance they saw a tall blonde hair with emerald eyes. The blonde wearing a black high waisted jeans that compliment her long slender legs  and a tucked in white plain shirt and a white tennis shoes.

"Wow! she really looks like one of my barbie collection, " said himeko gushing the blonde's appearance.

Mei doesn't understand why she seems to want to draw out those eyes looking at yuzuko .

Shiraho and Matsuri notice mei's sour expression." I think half of boys and girls looks like they want to fuck yuzuchan " matsuri teased the brunette.

"What ?"...mei turn to look at matsuri after she heard her , "Your so obvious meichan, you like yuzuchan don't you" she asked smirking.

"What! What are talking about ,why would I like someone like her, I.. I have a girlfriend you know, " replied mei while stammering at her words.

"Oh! come on mei chan we both all know that you don't love her ,you just dated with her because she save you ", stated matsuri trying to make the brunette to admit.

Mei frown. " Shut up Matsuri! I don't like yuzuko okay! not just  because I have a girlfriend but also she's ...... she's intersex she have a penis okay so stop talking nonsense, " she gaps and immediately covered her mouth when she realized what she said. The word intersex slip on her tongue because of her outburst.

"Yuzuchan! / Yuzuchi! " Matsuri and Harumin's eyes widened when they saw the blonde behind Mei.

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