chapter 10

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Yuzuko's pov

When I got to the University, I noticed that they are staring at me .Maybe they noticed the abnormality in my body .

Don't pay attention to them ,.. don't pay attention to them, I told myself while gripping tightly to the sling of my bag

I saw ms. Mei talking to her friends who went yesterday .So I decided to say hi to them, i was approaching them I heard matsuri ask ms. Mei if she likes mei .

"Why would she asked something like that to Ms. Mei , ofcourse the answer is so obvious it's a big No,why would she like someone like me? I thought to myself.

Then what she said next crashed me deep inside I can't believe that she'll tell my secret to her friends.

I feel so hurt that she did that , isn't that me being intersex is a big secret to everyone in  my old school they all knows that I'm intersex and they always tried to harass me if not because of  Ken and Ryo who always there to protect me I wouldn't have a peaceful life in highschool.

"Shut up Matsuri " she scolded her friend "I don't like yuzuko okay because she is intersex ,she have a penis stop talking nonsense.."

They were all shocked by what Ms. Mei said ...then they noticed me behind ms. Mei

"Yuzuchan / Yuzuchi "

"Hi! " I said while looking down to the pavement I can't look into their faces I'm afraid to know what they think of me now that they know my secret.

" I need to go ,see you later ms. Mei " 

I immediately left there ,I bit my lip to stop myself from crying .

When I entered the University building the first thing I do is to find the nearest restroom and when I find it I immediately went inside ,and when i was sure that I'm the only one there I immediately lock the door .

I flash some water to my face to stop my tears , I look at myself at the mirror and i felt disgusted with myself .

"Why...why I'm not normal like others" ?

"I know she doesn't like me ,but i never thought she would tell my secrets to others"

"I hate her ! "

End of pov


After yuzu left

"F***! She caught me talking behind her and worst I told you guys her secret and it's your fault matsuri " blame the brunette.

"Really meichan,i can't believe you ,your blaming me it just want you to be honest about your feelings."

"I didn't force you to tell us her secret , you're the one who suddenly told us so fixed it," said an angry matsuri .

"You're our friend meichii but what you did is terrible ,make sure to apologize to yuzuchii and no excuses. Don't talk to us until she forgive you", then harumi grab her girlfriend and left .

"Mei mei "

"I know himeko I will apologize to yuzuko, no need to scold me like those two did too" said mei .

"I just want to remind you that the last time those two got mad at you meimei,they did not talk to you for 2 week, and they pretended that you're invisible to them " himeko stated sadly.


Yuzu is now in the classroom,she sit in the back near the window . She was looking outside when mei came inside the classroom she didn't notice her at first .

Mei sat next to yuzu then she fake a cough to get her attention.

Yuzu knew who was sitting next to her she got annoyed just thinking what happened earlier.

"She told me to keep my distance to her and then she sit beside me, I don't understand her anymore" she angrily thought to herself.

She turned to her side to glared the brunette but her eyes widened when their faces are so close to each other like inches apart . Emerald eyes staring at the amethyst eyes ,both of them was stunned.

"Beautiful " both thought while staring each other eyes.

Suddenly the professor came inside and both of them back from their trance ,both of them couldn't understand what just happened.

They feels like there's some kind of magnetic force that pulling them closer .

"What was that?" Mei thought while gripping tightly on her books.

The brunette blush while the blonde got a confused look in her face ," What was that i supposed to hate her after what she have done earlier" thought the blonde.

After class when they about to go to the cafeteria to eat their lunch,mei grabs yuzu's arm's  " come with me , I'll tell you something ". Yuzu got confused but let the brunette pulled her outside.

Then Mei dragged yuzu to the school garden.

"What is it ms. Mei ? ...what do you want to tell me ," asked her  annoyed to the brunette .

" You see earlier i didn't mean to do that , it just a slip of the tongue  , I'm really sorry Yuzuko  for what happened this morning,I'm Sorry Yuzuko please forgive me" Mei said while shyly playing a strand of hair behind her ear, this is her habit when she's nervous.

NO! I won't forgive you that easily , replied yuzu .

"Tell me ,what do you want me to do to forgive me", asked mei with a pleading look.

Yuzu came closer to mei then she raise her hand mei thought that the blonde will slapped her so she closed her eyes and prepared herself from the impact.

She slightly open her eyes when she felt a gentle touch on her cheeks then suddenly the blonde grabbed her by the waist and pulled them both closer to each other then suddenly she felt something soft on her lips, she tried to stepped back to separate herself to the blonde but yuzu had a strong grip on her waist .

She tried to push her but the blonde is stronger than her.Yuzu suck the brunette's mouth and then bit mei's lower lip .

"Mmmm...ahh y ..yu..zu"

Yuzu stop for a second to look at Mei's swollen lip then she pressed her lips again to lick mei's lip and suck it ,when mei open her mouth a little yuzu took the chance to put her tongue inside mei's mouth.

Mmmm....m..ahh y..yu...ahh..mmm.. zu..s..stop ..mei tried to push yuzu but yuzu is more stronger than her "god i can't breathe anymore" mei's thought while moaning.

Yuzu push her tongue deep to mei's throat and explore all the little crevices of mei's mouth then she stop to let mei catch her breath .

ha..huh..ha ....both of them panting

"That's for what you did earlier ,I was hurt by what you said so i bit you ,then she left mei still panting .

"That's for what you did earlier ,I was hurt by what you said so i bit you ,then she left mei still panting

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"Bit ?... You didn't just bit me ,you kiss me you idiot " me mumbled while panting.

😏😏you seems to like it though, 😘😘

someone broke the rules ,the rules that mei make about not touching her 😏

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