chapter 27

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Mei stretch her hand to reach the person beside her but when her hand reach on the other side of the bed where she expected someone to be lying in there, is now empty . She immediately open her eyes and see Yuzu isn't there anymore.

"Maybe I woke up too late." She mumbled to herself , Before covering her face with the blanket , feeling embarrassed to herself as she recall how she shamelessly seduce the blonde. She can't believe she did all those stuff to Yuzu. A warm feeling suddenly rush through her body as she felt a tingling sensation from her core . " Gosh! What's  wrong with me ? Just remembering it make me feel aroused. " Mei said softly to herself while blushing so hard, then suddenly she heard the door opening,  and the blonde appeared looking freshly out from the shower.

" You're awake "  Yuzu said as she step inside the room.

"U-Uh , " Mei replied shyly with a noticeable blush on her face. She was now in a sitting position while holding the blanket to cover her naked body.

"Um, I was about to wake you to have breakfast with me since it's already 10 in the morning and last night.....she paused, last night we skip dinner. " She said, faking a cough in the end of her sentence and look away , feeling embarrassed about losing control last night.

"How's your body? " Yuzu asked suddenly in a concerned tone , remembering how she's so rough last night to the brunette, she's worried that she hurt her unintentionally.

"Just a bit soreness but I'm fine," Mei replied shyly as she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ears .

Yuzu sit on the edge of the bed while wearing her neutral calm expression, staring at the brunette.

"I'm planning to quit as your babysitter." She suddenly blurted out of the blue .

Shocked. "W..What ?!"

" It's for the best . I don't want to continue working as your babysitter after what happened , and .......


It happened too fast that she didn't see it coming . She just realized that she got slap when the hand landed hard on her face and her views are now facing the wall with her cheeks sting. The brunette didn't give her time to finish talking and slap her.

Yuzu hold her sting cheek with a shocked expression on her face.

Buzz! Buzz!... (The doorbell rang)

Gripping tightly on the mattress. " How stupid of me to think that you also feel thesame way  towards me just because we had sex. " A tear form from her eyes as she speak. Giving one last look at blonde before  she get out from the bed and took the robe she thrown yesterday's afternoon to wear it back and leave the room with a big slammed.

"Meichaaan, Yuzuchaaan..!! " A person shouted outside.

Yuzu are at a loss as she didn't know what to do,  she  remain seated with a slightly open mouth as she tried to utter a word and stop the brunette, but nothing came out from her mouth , she can only watch the brunette walked out naked from the room. Sighing deeply. ' I'll explain to her later after the guests leave. '

" Wait , I'm coming ! " She Shouted back as she go downstairs to open the door for Mei's friends.

Clicking sound of the doorknob was heard before it opened. All of their friends are standing outside. Yuzu noticed two of them are  holding a plastic bag full of alcohol and a new face .

' Who's she ?' Yuzu thought but got interrupted from Matsuri.

" Hehehe ! ..G'morning Yuzuchan! Is Meichan's all up already ? " Matsuri asked, glancing at the blonde then smirk when noticed Something that caught her interest. .  'Hehehe !!.. It's going to be fun .' she thought while grinning to herself.

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