chapters 17

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__________AIHARA  UNIVERSITY_________

Babe, please give me a chance,said Aiko while following mei .

Stop following me,Aiko,  I already told you we're done , don't you understand we're done , Mei said irritated.

Why is it so hard for you to forgive me ,
maybe you have someone new that's why you don't want me anymore, I'm right, you have someone else, Aiko shouted angrily.

Yes , I already like someone else ,so stop nagging at me, Mei shouted back .

You will regrets this , Aihara Mei ,said Aiko bitterly.

________________In the class _______________

Spiders don't mate by coupling these organs . instead,the male deposit some sperm onto a small web and picks it up on the end of his pedipalps,the teacher lecture as he looks into the class.

Can anyone tell me what cannibalism means ? asked Uchida sensei while looking at the class .

But no one raise their hands ,he darted his gaze at one of the students sitting at the back .

Then he noticed that Troy was looking at aihara mei dumbfounded,so he called him.

"Yamada Troy , please stand up" he commanded 

Startled,Troy stood up immediately and look back at Uchida sensei .

"Could you tell us what cannibalism means ? asked Uchida sensei.

Troy rubbed the back of his neck and bowed in shame because he couldn't answer.

I'm sorry ,Uchida sensei, I don't know the answer ,Troy said shyly as he continuing rub the back of his neck .

"Sigh,"  you can sit down, next time pay attention to class and stop drooling at Aihara'san,Yamada-kun said Uchida sensei.

"Everyone in the class laugh ,"except for the purple eyes brunette and the green eyed blonde.

"Troy blushed in embarrassment "

Does anyone know the answer? asked Uchida sensei as she walk slowly and then he noticed the blonde who are staring at him , "Okagi Yuzuko "

What does cannibalism mean? asked Uchida sensei.

The blonde immediately stood up and said "cannibalism is the practice of eating flesh of one's own species."

Very well, Okagi'san you may now sit down said Uchida sensei.

Cannibalism is the practice of eating flesh of one's own species ,such as spiders.

Spiders cannibalism is the act of a spider consuming all or part of another individual of thesame species as food ,the teacher said continuously....

In the majority of cases a female spider kills and eats a male before, during,or after copulation.

Ehh! So why would they mate if they know that the female spider will eat them, asked one of the students.

Continually coming back to a homicidal partner may seem reckless ,but the male spiders are wired to ensure they inseminate a female spider with their genetic information.As long as they can catapult to safety, they try to mate again and again .

So what tactics does the male spider do to prevent the female spider to eat him after they mate, asked one of the students.

They launch their bodies into the air after mating replied Uchida sensei.

Why do female spider kills male spider after mating ?

In a grisly practice known as sexual cannibalism,females of many spider species devour their mates after procreation, either for sustenance or to keep there reproductive options open.

I don't want to be the male spider ,sensei,said one of the male students.

Even if you become a male spider no one will eat you  , another student said jokingly .


Okay, that enough, said Uchida sensei

the bell rang  ..

That's all for today,class ! See you all on monday .

When mei open her locker she saw a piece of paper that said "meet me at the library,Aiko.

What else does she want ? asked the brunette to herself" sigh".

While she was going to the library she meet harumin and Matsuri in the hallway.

Aren't you going home yet meichan? asked matsuri.

Yeah! Meichii,where're going  asked harumin.

I'm just going to do something at the library replied Mei.

At this hour ???

"Yeah! please tell yuzu to go home first."

"Alright bye meichan" ,said harumin and Matsuri at thesame time.

"Bye," replied Mei.

_______________In the library ____________

When mei arrived at the library , she wondered why she didn't see Aiko inside.

Where's she ? Mei wondered to herself.

Then door suddenly closed,mei was startled and turned to the direction of the door then she saw two masked men   standing by the door.

"Who are you two, what're you planning to do with me and where's Aiko ? "Mei asked, pretending to be calm but it was obvious  from her voice that she was shaking in fear.

The two smirk, "she's not here," said one of the masked guy ." "We here to accompany you and entertain you,  don't be afraid of us Aihara-san we don't bite " , jokingly said one of the masked man as they both approach the scared brunette."We will make sure that you will enjoy our company and we will make you satisfied." said the other masked man and both laugh at thesame time .

"Stay away from me,"Mei said in fear as she step back . She tried to run but immediately caught by the two masked men.

She struggled while being lifted on the shoulders of one of the two men,she began to scream and beg for help hoping that someone will hear her and help her.

"Please let me go " please someone help me " mei begged as she scream for help.They laid Mei on the floor while one held her hands and the other sat on top of her and tore her clothes.

The brunette continued to struggle and scream even though she saw no hope that she would be saved from the hands of the two men .

"Hold her tightly,"said the man on top of the brunette." Stop struggling Aihara-san no one will come to save you ,just enjoy what we will do to you," he said as he squeeze the brunette breast.

"Don't touch me,"you perverted bastard said mei with a look of disgust to the man above her.

"Don't give me that look Aihara-san ," we will show you than we man are better than woman we will make you crazy about dicks and you will forget about those pussy",then he took off his shirt and took off his belt and then he pulled down his pants to show mei his small weapon .

"Yuzu, yuzu please save me" she said softly as she cried for help,when her clothes  were torn  she scream loudly "YUZU!" .

Author: his thing is small as this 👌 hahaha 🤣🤣🤣

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