chapter 7

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While yuzu was taking a bath ,mei was in her room lying on her bed and screaming mentally in her pillow .

"What just happened to me there?" she question herself ,she couldn't believe that she lusted after her babysitter . She couldn't understand why her heart was beating so fast ,even though she never lusted after anyone not even her girlfriend Aiko .

Mei's pov

"After telling  mom that  i wouldn't in up liking dicks , God ,"screaming mentally to herself .

"Why didn't i feel this way about Aiko she's my girlfriend, I should have felt it for her "she is confused by her  feelings , her brain is denying what her heart truly feels.

"Those kisses that we shared is all empty  and it didn't last long  ,since i always pushed her ,to stop her, and making excuses like I'm still not ready or something like that ".

"I can already imagine my mom laughing right now while saying that she won ,God!
I shouldn't bet my uterus to it . No!  what i am thinking as if i already admits that I like her, " she scolded herself.

"It's normal to be attracted to good looking people and it's not love it just ,hormones , right!  hormones, " Mei trying to convince herself that she's only attracted to the blonde and nothing else.

She looked up to the ceiling while thinking about her girlfriend "Do i really love Aiko?" she's started questioning her feelings for her girlfriend.

She hurriedly sat up when she realized that she's doubting her feelings for her girlfriend.

"What i am thinking , ofcourse i love my girlfriend after all she , ..she save me ,she Sigh deeply and went to her study table to do her council works to distract herself from thinking about the blonde and her confusing feeling.

"We've only been for a few hours and she already made me doubt my feelings for my girlfriend I sound like i fall in love at first sight to her, God! being so beautiful should be a crime " she thought as she continued working.

After a few moments,she decided to stop cause she still can't concentrate with her works and still distracted thinking about a certain blonde, she put her pen and went back to laying on her bed .

"Arggggh! I hate her"
End of mei's pov


Yuzuko's pov

While in the other room ,yuzuko is combing her hair ..then she remembered of what happened earlier .

"Ms. Mei is acting so weird  ,her face is so red and she's spacing out, maybe she's sick " she thought worriedly.

Then she heard a weird noise coming from the other room. "What is she doing ?" she thought with a curious look so she lean over  and put her ear to the wall to listen to  the noise from the other room .

"Arggggh! I HATE  HER " she heard mei say.

"I already know " she said in a low voice as she walk away from the wall.

End of yuzuko's pov

After a while she decided to go to the kitchen to cook dinner for her and mei .

She decide to make a beef sirloin steak with japanese style butter soy sauce by Kikkoman Recipe that she saw in her phone .

First she marinate the beef in (A) for 5 minutes.
then second she heat 5 g (1 tsp) of butter in a frying pan, saute the mixed vegetables, then she put season of salt and pepper .
Third she heat 10 g (2tsp ) of butter in thesame frying pan,line up the beef,and cook until both side are browned 
Add (B) and simmer over low heat until liquid is reduce by half.
Four she cut the steak into bite-size pieces, place together with (2)on a plate ,spoon -on 
left over cooking juices and garnish with the watercress.

She decided to go upstairs and called Mei's  that her dinner is ready. After that she  go down stairs and returned to the kitchen to eat her dinner .

While she's eating she watch another cooking videos on YouTube,this is how she learned to cook .

In the dinning table there's our raven haired girl who eating silently while  sneaking a peek at the blonde eating in the kitchen.She saw her watching a cooking videos in her phone. "Did  she learned to cook by watching cooking videos on the internet, her food is really delicious" ,she  admits that the blonde is a good cook .

The recipe that i wrote in this chapter i saw it on the post of Kikkoman Recipe 😁

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