chapter 20

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The next morning when mei woke up she heard noises downstairs so she get up from  her bed then wash her face and brush her teeth after that she hurriedly go downstairs to look what's going on there.

She saw all her friends in the dining table eating.

"What're you all doing here at my house so early?" Mei asked her friends with a slightly raise eyebrow. 

"Meichan/ Meichi / meimei/ Aihara'san/ president .... we're so wmorried about you after we heard the news about what happened to you last night at the Uni that's why we came here early in the mworning to check on you if you're ok " they talked while their mouth is full.

"I see how genuinely worried you all about me ." Mei said with a hint of sarcasm.

They all noticed the sour expression of the brunette face. " We also heard that the mastermind who ordered those two asshole to raped you is that bitch Aiko. Is that true?"

Mei didn't respond to them she look down in shame ,shame on herself for being a big idiot for letting Aiko fool her so many years . She remembered the time that her friends and her mom told her that Aiko is just using her that Aiko only see her as an ATM machine to get money from her. She didn't listen to them instead she  got angry at them for saying bad things about her girlfriend.

"I'm sorry "

Everyone was stunned as to why the brunette was apologizing to them.

"Why are you apologizing to us mei-chi?"

Mei tuck a strand of hair behind her ear with an embarrassed look. " Forget what I said" .

"Aww mei-chi you can't apologize and then take it back after you say it." Harumin stood up on her seat and hug Mei, come to mama let me hide your embarrassed face with my boobies." Harumin jokingly said to make fun of the brunette.

Mei use her hand to block harumin to get near her. " Hey Mat get your girlfriend away from me ." Pleaded her.

"Aww you don't like my boobies anymore baby mei-chi"  harumin act offended.

"Stop saying nonsense I never like them ."

Matsuri and shiraho laugh out loud seeing the scene.

Himeko stood up from her seat also and pointed her finger angrily to harumin. " Get your disgusting boobies away from meimei's face you damn breast head.

"Oh shut up you flat eyebrows." Replied harumin.

"Who are you calling flat? " Spat himeko angrily.

"I don't mind your size babe !" Shiraho stated trying to calm her girlfriend.

"Your band from touching me whole week." Himeko whispered in Shiraho's ear .

"Ehh! "

Himeko sat down again and continued eating .

" Hey! Babe are serious , what'd I do wrong ? . Asked Shiraho with a confused tone.

"Because you agreed to them that I'm flat."


Yuzu walk over to the dinning table to put the other dishes she cooked .

When harumin saw the freshly cooked food she immediately let go of Mei and returned to her seat  to continue eating.

While mei was like a cat watching Yuzu's every move as if she were a gold fish in a fishbowl.

Yuzu just walked pass Mei as if she didn't see her and went back to the kitchen to clean the things she use to cook.

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