continuation of chap26

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Yuzu gulp as she watch Mei lick and suck her own fingers full of her semen while staring at her seductively . Grabbing the hand away from Mei's mouth to make her stop . " Stop licking it ! It's dirty! " She said, feeling uncomfortable watching the brunette tasting her semen.

"It's not dirty, cause it's yours! " Mei replied, leaning closer to Yuzu's face. Her face still wet from Yuzu's semen and her cleavage is also thesame, Yuzu noticed it, and push her slightly away from her .

"Let's get up and clean you !" She said with a red face, feeling embarrassed cumming to Mei's face, but the brunette just frown at what she said .

'I can't let this moments stop here or else, there's no more opportunity like this will come. She will definitely raised her guard around me after this. ' Mei thought.

"No!" She replied before crashing her lips against Yuzu's lips. Wrapping her arms around the blonde's neck, sucking the blonde's bottom lips harder as she felt desperately needed Yuzu, more than anything at the moment.

As their kiss continue, Yuzu could taste herself from the brunette's mouth. " M-mmph! Hah! S-Stop! " She tried to uttered a word and pushed away the brunette, but the arms wrapping around her neck, preventing her to do so . ' This is dangerous! My body starting to feel hot and the way she kiss me , feels so good . It's making my mind to go blank. I can't think straight right now. ' Yuzu thought while moaning inside Mei's mouth.

Breaking the kiss to breath, Mei look at the blonde's expression, to see if she still wants to refuse her advances . '' Ohh! "  was all Mei could say after Yuzu pulled her into a hug as she rested her chin on Mei's shoulder while panting heavily. After catching her breath back to normal, she move her head closer to Mei's ear .

"Let's get up first then talked ." The blonde whispered .


" M-mmph..No! Hah! Y-Yuzu it's sensitive ! " Mei said , moving her head to the other side, away from Yuzu's face while rubbing her ears to get rid of the tingling sensation of her sensitive ears.

"Ohh! Sorry, I didn't know your ears are sensitive." Yuzu said in a apologetic tone.

Mei didn't say anything, she place her arms back to Yuzu's neck and was about to proceed kissing the blonde , but before her lips press to Yuzu's lips , a hand blocked her. Yuzu raised her hand to blocked the brunette lips before it pressed to her lips and kiss her again.

"Your kissing me too much , it's like you're trying to eat me whole . "

Frowning again. Seeing the brunette expression, Yuzu sigh. " Let's get up first . " Yuzu repeatedly say again with a noticeable blush on her face .

Mei turn her head to look at the open entrance of the room then back from the blonde . " You're not planning to escape are you ?" Retorted Mei with a doubt look on her face.

"I won't go anywhere or  run away, I promise." Replied the blonde to her.

" You promised? " Mei repeatedly say.

Yuzu nodded.

Mei slowly lifted  herself up, off Yuzu's lap. After that, she immediately run towards the open entrance of the room to close the door and lock it. To make sure that, Yuzu can't escape from her even if she tried.

Blocking the door as she watch the blonde gets up from the floor .

" I did babysit a few kids before....and like you ,they are also naughty and disobedient. They don't follow what I told them. " Yuzu stated , slowly approaching the brunette.

" So what did you do to make them listened to you, Yuzu ? " Mei asked , still leaning against the door, blocking the doorknob .

"I give them candies as a reward. " She replied, as she now standing infront of the brunette. Her arms rested on the door, above from Mei's head while her other hand was holding the brunette chin .

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