chapter 19

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"Is that why she put a letter in my locker saying that she wants to meet me at the library because she ordered them to rape me?," Mei thought angrily.

"You heard what they confess ,now that you know who's the master mind is, arrest that Aiko before she hurt my daughter again,"Mayumi yelled angrily.

"We will do that,we just need to get an arrest warrants for Ms.Aiko Amimaya first,then we will arrest her,"replied the police officer.

"Nodded , i hope you can catch that girl ,we are worried that what she will do to our daughter next," Sho said while holding the police hand.

"You can count on us to do our job as law enforcers,Mr. Aihara," replied the police officer.


"See, that why i don't like that girl for you, just by the look of that girl ,i  already know that she will only hurt you ," mayumi yelled angrily while looking at her daughter.

Mei look down in shame because her mother scolding her at the police station infront of so many people.

"Honey that's enough", sho said to his wife as  he rubbed his wife shoulder to calm her down. "Don't scold our daughter here, she's the victim here and she doesn't know what kind of a girl that Aiko is ."

Mayumi took a deep breath to calm herself down. She tapped her husband's hand on her shoulder and nodded. Sho smiled and  let go of her wife .

Mayumi eyes softened as she approach her daughter Mei and hugged her ." I'm sorry for yelling at you,  I'm just really worried about you , what if yuzuko isn't there to save you and something bad happens to you ,your my only daughter,"mayumi cried while hugging her daughter.  Mei also cried while hugging her mom .

"I'm sorry too mom if i just listened to you before, nothing like this would be happened ."

"Well ,It's not too late to listened to your mom" then she lean to her daughter's ear and  whispered, the brunette's whole face turns red. " Mother! " shouted a blushing brunette while covering her sensitive ears.

Mayumi giggled then turned her gaze to the blonde and said " come here yuzuko let me hugged you also ,I want thank you for saving my daughter. "

The blonde has a shocked expression when Mrs. Aihara hug her ."You don't need to thank me, it's my job as her babysitter to watch and protect her," replied yuzu .

"You risk your life for her you saved our daughter so thank you very much yuzuko ," said mei's mom who was very grateful to the blonde.

They took yuzu to the nearest clinic to treat her injuries ."The wound on your palm is quite deep ",said the nurse who treated yuzu .

"It's a good thing it doesn't need to be stitched" ,said the nurse while smiling sweetly at yuzu. Mei raised an eyebrow while watching them.

"Isn't it painful?"she asked the blonde as she simply caress her hand, it didn't escape the sharp eyes of the brunette who was immediately annoyed by the nurse's flirting with yuzu.

"This bitch!"she muttered under her breath as she stomp her foot in annoyance . Yuzu and the nurse look at her because of the noise she was making .

"Is there a problem ms. Mei ?"she asked the brunette worriedly." I want to go home " replied the brunette with an obviously irritated voice.The blonde look at her blankly and said , "Alright ".

Suddenly the nurse intervened in the conversation and said , "wait, I'm not done treating the wound on her face yet.

Mei shifted her gaze at the nurse while raising her eyebrows and frown.

"It's just a small cut so I'll treat her wound when we get home , let's go yuzu,"she said as she grab Yuzu's arm and pulled her out of the Minor injuries Clinic.


When they got home , mei immediately made yuzu sit on the couch and then she took the First-Aid Kit .

Mei sat beside the blonde and held her face then applied an antiseptic cream to the cut on her cheek before placing the gauze pad on it .

After she done treating the cut on the blonde's cheek ,she look at yuzu's lips and caress Yuzu's wounded lips using her thumb . "Did it hurt?" she asked while looking at the blonde's green eyes.

Yuzu nodded in response as her face turned red due to the closeness of the brunette's face to hers.

The two stared at each other eyes for a seconds before they finally kiss , Mei held yuzu's face to deepen the kiss .

Yuzu was unaware that her hand was already in Mei's thigh, she slowly caressed  it up from the brunette waist to her chest .

Mei moan as Yuzu suddenly squeeze her chest.

"God, her hand is warm and big , it's feels so good, "mei thought as she parted her lips to let the blonde's tongue inside her mouth.

Yuzu's warm tongue slipped her mouth and mei immediately wrapped her hands around the back of Yuzu's neck pulling her closer as she push her own tongue to engage to her babysitter and circled their tongue together.

They moaned against each other mouth . Mei slowly lowered one of her hand towards Yuzu's bulging pants to stroke it ,but before that happened Yuzu stopped her .

"I...i ..thi..think we, we  need to stop," she said while panting. "Why?" asked mei confused.

"I'm your babysitter,we shouldn't doing this together, I'm sorry i can't  ", she stood up and walked to her room leaving Mei there devastated .

"What have I done! "she asked herself while lying on the bed. What if I couldn't stop it and we actually did that thing, what will her parents say when they find out that I kissed their daughter. 

"After they thank me for saving their daughter then her i am almost had sex with Ms. Mei. I need to keep my distance to  Ms. Mei while doing my job as her babysitter ,"she said to herself before she fall asleep.

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