chapter 3

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Yuzu's Pov

I am Yuzuko Okagi 19 years old , I have a secret and that is I'm an intersex . I was eight years old when I became an orphan, my parents died in a car accident.

I don't have any relatives left to take care of me so I grow up in the orphanage ,even if there's so many couples who wants to adopt me when they saw me they always got captivated by my looks ,Natural blond hair ,emerald eyes and white skin like snow , in the end they're all  change their mind when they find out about my condition that I am intersex .

When I'm already 16 years old,  I decided to leave the orphanage  since I already old enough to take care of myself and find a part time job to support myself that's when I met Mrs.Mayumi Aihara for the first time.

She help me to get a part time job and help me to get a scholarship so I could go to school and continue with my studies .

I'm so thankful to them for everything they have done for me , I never met anyone who are so kind-hearted person like them so when I  received a call from Mrs. Aihara that she wanted to see me at her house , I didn't think twice and go there immediately.

Let's skip a bout the knock ,greetings and how should she inter the aihara's mansion and the tea part  cau'ze my ass is lazy 🤭✌️✌️

So  when she asked me to be her daughter's babysitter I don't have the guts to say no ,in my mind in doing this I could somehow repay them for everything they had done to me so I accept the offer.

She told me that I will stay in her daughter's house so I thought it will be a good opportunity for me, I can save more money now since I don't need to rent an apartment .

She will pay for my tuition also so it's really a nice offer for me, she told me that we will met there tomorrow morning.

After she give me the address of the house , I bowed to her and thank her before I leave.

That night when I got home I started packing my things and get a bath since I need to be there early.

When I arrived at the address ,Mrs. Aihara is still not there . I stand infront of the house and wait for mrs. Aihara to arrived. After a long of waiting, I decided to knock at the door  then I heard someone yelled inside saying she's coming down then I heard a  clicked and the door suddenly swung open .

I saw a brunette with a beautiful amethyst eyes color her skin is white as snow ,she's smaller than me so she's looking up at me , we stay like that staring to each other eyes for like a long time.

When she's about to speak, Mrs.Aihara suddenly appeared behind me and greeted her daughter with  a hug and a kiss on the cheek after that she ask her if she's not gonna invite us inside.

The brunette nodded  and said ," ofcourse mother please come inside ,"   When we got inside she ask her mother what is the reason of our visit?  I noticed that she keep stealing glances at me .

Mrs. Aihara introduce us first to each other   before she told her about me staying and babysitting her from now on.

I noticed the annoyed look of her face when she heard the news . I flinched when she slam the table hard and I think she noticed it.

' She said many things and it hurts me a little, she's afraid of what her girlfriend might think about us living together but she didn't even consider what I feel when she judge me saying that she didn't trust me and she's afraid that I might do something bad to her . ' What is she? she's already judging me without knowing me first, "I angrily thought to myself.

I look down to my lap if she doesn't accept me to be her babysitter then I need to get more part-time job so I could pay for my tuition and rent , I thought worriedly.

Before she can continue saying how she dislike the idea of me living with her ,her
mother cut her off  that she knows me for a long time and she's confident that I'm not that kind of a person and  that I'm a nice girl , me living her and become her babysitter is final and she can't do anything about it wether she likes it or not.

I felt relieved when I heard that , even if I work hard day and night I won't be able to pay for my college tuition and other expenses.

My money is just enough to pay for a small apartment and food.

I thought she was fine with me living with her and she was willing to let me her babysitter but I was wrong.  She give me a death glare, I gulp and averted my gaze to her, " she's scary , " I thought.

Mrs. Aihara explained  my job ,she told me to do the household chores and then the thing about to watch her daughter 24/7 .

I nodded, I babysit someone before but those are all kids 9 yrs old below ,this is my first time babysitting someone same age as me it's a little uncomfortable but I need this job so I will do it even if her daughter  will dislike me.

I need to follow her when ever or where ever she go even  when she's going out for a date with her girlfriend and it's make her more annoyed and look me with hatred again, she walk out on us and back to her room then slam the door so hard that makes me startled  again.

'She really hate me" I thought.

End of Yuzu's pov

I don't know if there's even someone will notice about this or read this 😔will next chapter is Mrs. Mayumi Aihara' s pov

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