chapter 2

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Mei's pov

I woke up to a loud knock on my door  , I groan in annoyance as I glance to the clock on my bedside table and saw the time ,  it's still 8 in the morning and I usually get up 10 to 10:30 in the morning when there's no school ofcourse .

"What the hell ! " I scream in annoyance.
" Whoever is the person knocking on my door I swear I'll make her regret disturbing my beauty sleep." I said in a irritated tone of voice.

I decided to go out in my room and go down the stairs so I could face the person who dared to disturb my sleep .  I swear  if I saw who the hell this person is who ruined my beauty sleep , I'm gonna surely ......... I was stunned to speak. I thought for a second that I saw an angel when I saw a beautiful tall blonde girl with a mesmerizing emerald eyes standing in front of my door . Her skin is white as a snow like mine and her long blonde hair hung elegantly down her back to her waist.

I eyed the girl from head to toe and god she's stunning, I feel anxious for a second as I remember that I'm still on my pajamas and I didn't look myself to the mirror before I go out my room, I don't know if there's something dirt on my face cause I noticed she's also staring at me .

I was about to open my mouth and asked these pretty blonde infront of me, what her purpose on coming here at my house?  But before I could open my mouth and uttered a word , my gaze averted to the luggage besides her . ' A luggage?' I thought with a questioning look.

And again. When I was about to asked her, a familiar car stop infront of my gate and I saw my mother came out of the car , she push the gate to open it and walked towards us . The blonde didn't notice my mother arrival until she appeared behind her and greeted me with a hug and kiss in the cheeks. 

" Oh Mei, are you not gonna invite us in ? My mother asked me , snapping me from my deep thoughts.

" Ofcourse mother come in , " I said as I step aside as I gesturing them to come inside.

When the blonde girl pass me .....she smell so nice . Her scent is a mixed of a cool citrus and sandalwood .

Inside the house , I ask my mother while stealing glances at the blonde sitting beside her of what the reason of their visit? Since I'm the one who always visit them with father in our mansion .

After graduating from highschool I decided to move out from my parents house and bought my own place since my mother dislike my girlfriend Aiko. Everytime I bring Aiko in our home she always act bitchy towards her ,so I decide to have my own place to be free lesbian.

She introduce the girl besides her ,her name is Yuzuko Okagi and ofcourse she also introduce me to her and before I can show her a smile that I'm happy to met her, my mother informed me that from now on she's going to live with me and the worst she also hired her to be my babysitter, "like the hell !!  I accept it " I scream inside my head .  She flinched as I slam my hands on the table as a sign of my disapproval living with me.

I really hate it when my parents decide something for me without informing me first . I might not act so mean like this if they consider my opinion before getting me a babysitter.

" Mother! " I retorted as I raised my voice calling her. " Is my opinion isn't important to you and father ? Why did you decided to get a babysitter for me without telling me first ?! If you are concerned about me living alone then why don't you send one of our maids at the mansion to help me do the house chores ? Not getting a stranger to look out for me. What will Aiko think of me if she finds out that I have another woman living in my house? " I said , forgetting about that the blonde is just infront of me . I didn't care anymore that she heard what I said or if I hurt her feelings . What matters for me is my girlfriend feelings when she finds out ?!

"I don't trust her !" I reasoned while raising my voice. ''What if she do something bad to me? " I retorted . I know I'm so mean and rude to judge the person I just met but I want them to know how I dislike having a babysitter.

My mother stop me before I uttered a words again . She told me that she knows her for so long  and she's confident that Yuzuko isn't a bad person,that she's a nice girl . She's going to be my babysitter and that is final wether I like it or not, and also she's going to attend thesame college and as me . As I thought that was the worst part living with a stranger having a babysitter same age as me , I got it wrong, cause when my mother ask that girl if she knows what her job ,one of it is to watch me 24/7 ,that means when or where ever I go I should bring that girl even if it is a date with my girlfriend.

"Arggggh! "I'm really piss off.  I walk out there and back to my room then slam the door hard . What's the point of having my own place if there's someone who gonna watch and tail me where ever I go ?! As I thought that I'm a free like a bird it's feel like I'm a bird in a cage .

End of mei's pov

I hope you like it guys 😁 because next chapter is Yuzu's pov

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