chapter 21

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Months passed and the relationship between Yuzu and Mei's didn't go beyond  being a boss  and not even as friends.

"Meichan are you okay?" Asked matsuri when she noticed the sour expression on the brunette face.

"I'm fine !" Mei answered bitterly as she watch the blonde talking happily with Melanie.

"Why's okagi-san talking to that backstabber friend bitch Melanie ?" Himeko asked with a raise eyebrow.

"As if I know, 'tsk! '." Mei click her tongue in annoyance.

"I heard she  betrayed Aiko and Jack and led the police to their hiding place." Harumin said while sitting next to her girlfriend.

"I think she just do that to get close at Yuzu-pon, it's all written on her face that she really likes her. " Shiraho guess Melanie's true intentions just by observing her from a distance.

"Oh! She's smarter than she looks!" Matsuri  stated while looking at Mei with a smirk.

"What?!!" Mei glared matsuri.

"Well, at least she's making a way to get closer to yuzuchan not like our friend here ,sulking like a child robbed of candy.

Mei stood up from her seat while swinging her shoulder bag with the intention of hitting matsuri's face before she walked out in the cafeteria.

"Ouch! Meichan!" Matsuri yelp in pain .

"Deserved!" Himeko and harumi said in unison, while Shiraho and Nene giggles.

Yuzu stopped talking to Melanie for a moment as she turned her head to look to mei's group and found the brunette already left there.

'Where's Ms. Mei go ? ' she thought as she stood up from her seat to find the brunette whereabouts.

"Okagi-san where are you going break time isn't over yet so why are you leaving so soon ?" Melanie asked as she grabbed the blonde's hand to stop her from leaving.

"I'm sorry Ms. Melanie but I need to find Ms. Mei." Yuzu excuse herself and leave Melanie alone .

Yuzu went to the chairman office, she guess that she will find the brunette there so she first knocked on the door as she waited for a response from the person inside.

"Please come in" she heard Mei say.

Yuzu went inside and saw the brunette in the chairman seat doing her council works.

"What're you doing here Yuzu?" Mei asked with a cold tone and a sour look .

"I....."yuzu swallowed her saliva as she thought of what to say but nothing came out into her head so she said what she always answered to the brunette.

"Because I'm your"...mei cut the blonde off, she didn't let the blonde finished her sentence.

"Because you're my babysitter,  Are you not tired of saying that , because  I'm tired yuzu I'm tired hearing it from you! ,"  'I'm really tired hearing that you're just my babysitter ' mei said the last part in her head.

"What is it that you're tired of hearing from me Ms. Mei?" Yuzu asked with a puzzled look, she don't understand why the brunette looking at her with a teary-eyed now.

"She looks sad I want to hug her " yuzu thought while staring at the brunette face.

She grabbed her shirt near her heart seeing the brunette like this is like a needle piercing her heart .

"I'm tired, I'm tired hearing your voice so get out and leave me, I want to be alone " mei replied with a cold tone while wearing her usual stoic expression, trying not to show her jealousy to the blonde.

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