chapter 14

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Authors note: this is just a backstory

"Mom ,look it's started snowing", said an 8 years old blonde girl sitting on the backseat of the car.

"Yes! it's beautiful yuzuko "said her mother sitting on the passenger seat while admiring also the snowflakes falling down from the sky.

"Yeah! but not as gorgeous as my wife and my little champion" proudly said yui ,who took her wife's hand and kiss the back of her hand while his focused still on the road .

"Awh! your so sweet honey "said ume happily, give her husband a cheeks kiss.

While their car passing the bridge,the car driven by Yuzu's father lost control and spun around before crashing into the barrier of the bridge ,due to the force of the car impact ,the part of the barrier of the bridge where they collided was destroyed and their car completely fell into the water.

While the car was sinking into the sea ,the water gradually entered the car until the water reached Yuzu's shoulder .

Yuzu: crying, "mom,dad ,I'm scared.

Ume:" baby, mom is here ,honey wake up ."

Yui: "honey, we are stuck , i can't feel my legs anymore,we need to saved yuzuko .

Ume: "baby ,can you removed your seatbelt?"

Yuzu: "i think I can,"then she remove her seatbelt, " mom I'm scared , crying.

Ume : "baby , your brave right ", crying.

Yuzu : nodded ,while still crying

Yui: "that's my champion , "crying.

Ume: "now we wants you to swim up yuzuko ,can you do that baby holding Yuzu's hand while crying.

Yuzu:" I don't want to , I won't leave you and dad ".

Yui: "yuzuko listen to your mom, okay ! you need to saved yourself ."

Yuzu: "I'm scared, i don't think i can swim up there mom , "crying.

Ume: "yuzu get out of here please, please go yuzuko "

Then yuzu open the car window and swam out of it ,she saw her parents hugging each other while the car sink deep deep in the sea ,she tried to hold her breath and swim above the surface but she almost out of breath the last thing she remembered,she heard a sounds of a boat above her and then she saw a light coming from her.

When yuzu open her eyes, she's already on the coast guard boat ,there's a blanket wrapped around her small and trembling body.

She remembered her parents , she approach one of the coast guard and asked if they save her parents

Yuzu: "where's my mom and dad "

X: little girl we need to take you first into the hospital

Yuzu: sobbing," NO! we should go back , are still there them please,she beg."

X :" I'm sorry kid but you need to see a doctor first

Yuzu: "MOM, DAD" ,shouted her .


Two days passed before the sunken car of Yuzu's parents was pulled out of the sea .

News: we are here at xxbridge where the accident happened, two of the victims were identified as yui okagi and his wife ume okagi .As you can see, they were successful pulled out the car out of the water .

Yuzu saw it on the news the blurry video of the lifeless body of her parents .

Yuzu: sobbing," "

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