chapter 25

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" Aaaahhh! Ouch! " I scream and fall to the bed.  " Mother ! " I shouted in shock.


"Hahaaaa !"
She heard her mother's laugh in amusement after seeing her reaction and how she fall to the bed .

She grabbed the sheet on the edge on the bed for support to get up herself on the floor. She was now in a sitting position on the floor glaring the old woman for laughing at her.

After receiving a glare from her daughter Mayumi stop laughing and  wiped the tears in her eyes that form after laughing so hard .

" I'm sorry daughter, I just can't help it. The way you fall on the bed was priceless. " She said chuckling a bit.

"What are you doing here in Yuzu's bedroom, and where's Yuzu? " Mei asked her mother as she stood up from the floor,  before crossing her arms looking at her mother who still laying on the bed with a disapproving look on her face.

"Please get off  your ass in there , " She said with a sour tone of voice, watching her mother laying on the bed where she almost fuck the blonde give a bad taste to her lips.

" Mother please, " she said raising her voice a bit, after not seeing her mother leaving the bed .

" Aww, but the bed is so comfy and it's smell like yuzuchan, " Mayumi said, teasing her daughter.

"Mother get off the bed before I kicked your ass, " warn Mei.

"Hey! watch your words , " retorted Mayumi.

"What will you feel if you saw grandfather smelling the bed where you shared with father saying,  it smells like Mayumi ."

"Ewe ! that disgusting , " retorted Mayumi wearing a distaste look on her face while shaking her head a bit . She immediately got out from the bed and walked towards her daughter.

"See, that was I'm feeling right now seeing you there. " Mei said with a scowl on her face .

"Alright alright I already got out of the bed, so let's change the subject." She said wearing a teasing look on her face .

"So how's last night?" Mayumi asked her daughter with a smirk. Mei's still wearing a scowl look but her ears are red .

"Drop it , nothing happened last night ,"  She said with a frown.

"Hmmm..really,"  she said in a doubt tone of voice while leaning closer to her daughter . "  I saw some marks on Yuzuko's neck this morning so don't try to lie to me that those marks on her neck is from mosquito bites , " She said smirking.

"I'm not lying so drop that subject already, " Mei replied in an angry tone.   'Gosh, this isn't what I'm expecting when I woke up. I thought I'm gonna see Yuzu's sleeping face when I open my eyes still cuddling me . ' Mei thought wearing a disappointed look .

After leaning closer to her daughter and saw no marks on her neck.  The shipper  sighing deeply with a disappointed look.

" Now that I have a closer look on you daughter , I believe you now . There's no trace's about last night on your neck , that means .............."

'That means Yuzu is a big idiots,' Mei thought.  " tsk! " clicking her tongue in annoyance.
"See, I told you , " Mei said interrupting her mother .

"What I wanted to say is , she's worthy to be my daughter in-law.  She's not easy to seduce, proving that she's going to be a faithful lover to you in the future."  Mayumi stated with a smug look on her face. Being proud of herself that her judgement still sharp as ever.

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