chapter 22

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When we got home, it started to rain very hard . I immediately cooked dinner for Ms. Mei and me while she's taking a bath, after we had dinner . She went straight to her room while I was in the kitchen washing the dishes . I feel relieved that she didn't continue bringing up what happened to the grocery store because I already had enough with her teases in the car while we were on our way home. After I finished washing the dishes, I go upstairs to the bathroom to take a nice bath before going to sleep. After getting dressed in my pajamas , I entered my room to sleep , I could hear the thunder outside and you can see the sudden lightening outside at the window when the lightning strikes.

I was lying on my bed thinking about what happened in the grocery store with a blushing face. "What the hell happened with me there?! " I thought out loud. " When did I start to feel attracted towards her? " I grab one of my pillow and put it between my legs while hugging to it tightly. Is it because we kiss? but that was since a months ago after I save her .' I thought as I remembering the brunette actions since that night.


Flash back: This is what happened a months ago in Yuzu's point of view.

Mei's friend visit her at home after they heard about what happened to her. Since Ms.Mei is still sleeping in her room I'm the one who answered their questions about the incident. After I told them everything what happened that night they all starting cursing Ms. Mei's ex girlfriend.

I excuse myself as I need to cooked for their breakfast I doubt that they already eat since they arrive so early in the morning.

After I serve the first batch of the freshly cooked dishes in the dining table, all of them immediately surrounded the table while looking at the freshly cooked dishes with a drool.

"It's smell and looks so delicious." They all stated in unison.

"Yuzuchan, is this food for us ? " Asked Matsuri to me and I smiled and nod in return. They all quickly seat on the dining chairs in unbelievable speed and devouring the food in an instant.

"Hey! don't eat everything and leave something for me ! " Ms. Himeko shouted to the others.

"It's so yummy! " Ms. Nene and Ms. Shiraho exclaimed while others just nodded in response with their mouth is full.

I feel a self of pride watching them fighting for the food I cooked while saying how they love my cooking.

I excuse myself again as I need to cooked more dishes since I don't think that the food I serve will be enough for them and Ms. Mei is still not coming down so I need to prepare breakfast for her also .

While I'm plating the next batch of food I heard Ms. Mei's voice coming from the dining area asking what her friends doing in her house so early in the morning. I decided to listen while continuing preparing the food.

They all greeted Ms. Mei in thesame time. They told her that they heard about what happened to her at the Uni that's why they came at her house to check on her if she's ok. I smiled as I listen to them talking with their mouth is full. They all sounds hilarious but I can't help feel a little envy to Ms. Mei she had a family and friends who thought and worry about her unlike me I don't have anyone in my life. But don't get me wrong I'm glad that Ms. Mei is surrounded by people who care and love her.

My thoughts got interrupted, because after Ms. Mei let out a sarcastic line about how she can see how worried they're about her . They asked her if is it true that the mastermind behind the incident who ordered to rape her is her ex-girlfriend. Aiko

I stop what I'm doing as I'm waiting for her to speak but I guess that subject is more painful for her to talked about, after all the person who tried to hurt her is her girlfriend. Now that I think about it I've never met her girlfriend, isn't that I want to met her , maybe I'm just curious what kind of a woman Mei Aihara likes .

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