chapter 24

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Mei's thoughts from last night:

When we got home I immediately went to the bathroom to take a night bath .  I couldn't help but smile as I soaked in the bathtub remembering Yuzu's funny and cute reaction at the grocery store.   She never showed any signs that she's attracted to me , only today .

I got out of the bathtub and wrapped myself in a towel as I looked at myself in front of the mirror wondering what would be a good nightgown to wear tonight.

I decided to wear a V-neck camisole.
After getting dressed I decided to come downstairs to eat dinner.  I frown . I forgot that we didn't eat together, I'll make sure to tell her to eat with me starting tomorrow. After I finished my dinner I go straight to my room to call my mother to asked for an advice.

I dialed my mother's number and I heard it ring.  The person on the other line picked up.

" Hello my daughter, why did you called me? "She asked. Now that I heard her voice I remembered about our bet . How should I asked her for an advice without admitting my defeat and lost to the bet.

"Guessing from your silent , I won the bet." She said.

"Fuck"  I muttered under my breath . Now I regret calling her . I laid down to the mattress as I look at the ceiling before closing my eyes. Sighing.

"Fine , you won . Happy," I response curtly. I heard her laughter on the other line.

"Hehe! So when do you plan to give me grandchildren? " She asked me. My mother is worse at teasing me than Mat , I swear. 

I blush so hard just imagining having baby's with Yuzu. ' No, I must think first how to conquer her heart before planning making babies with her.' I thought .

"I called because I want an advice from you , but if you just going to tease me then I think  calling you is a mistake . I will hang up now mother so bye. "  I said. I didn't even tried to hide my annoyance at her . Just before I hang-up the phone I heard her speak on the other line , stopping me to ended the call.

" Wait, I'm sorry okay! I'm going to be serious now so tell me , what kind of advice do you want from your mother ? " She asked. I heard how her playful way of speaking change into serious tone.  I decided to give her a chance ,  since there's a saying that " mother knows best," they said that a mother's advice or judgment is typically the most accurate or beneficial.

I took a deep breath first before speaking to encourage myself to talked this kind of stuff to my mother. I'm not comfortable to talked about love to anyone much more to my own mother, but I really need her advice.

" Umm.. (fake cough) WhatshouldIdotogetyuzu ? " I asked , but I stumbled over the words as I spoke quickly.


"I don't get what your saying, daughter. Please say it slowly and clearly. " She said . I bit my bottom lip then I rolled over to the mattress and laid on my stomach as I hold the phone tightly in my hand, near my ear.

" I'm asking you for an advice how to get yuzu ?"   I said, raising my voice a little louder then I gasp when I realized how loud I am talking on the phone .  I immediately covered my mouth I feel scared for a second that Yuzu might have heard what I just said.

"Hello, Are you still there ?" I heard my mother asked me on the other line.  "Yeah, " I replied.  I felt relieved as I listened to the heavy downpour of rain outside. Thanks to the sounds of the rain and it covered up what I said out loud .

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