My Past Summer Fling; Is Now My Screwed Up Reality ~3~

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I danced around my room to 143 By Bobby Braccins and Ray J, ignoring my sisters muffled screams on the other side of my door. I shook my hips and slung around my wet hair, I had just gotten out of te shower and was in nothing but my underwear, bra and short purple robe.

"I know you hear me you little brat! Open the door!" She continued.

I rolled my eyes and danced over to the door humming along with the song. I flung my door open and met the face of my very irritated sister. She glared hard at me as if she was hoping I would burst into flames right then and there.

"Yes?" I asked sweetly.

"It is 5 am and your blasting music while I am trying to sleep" She said through clenched teeth.

"Actually its 6 am in sixty seconds, and your supposed to be up anyways" I pointed out.

"I don't work today you twit so I don't need to be up!" She exclaimed.

"Yes you do,your my shoeffer today, you have to take me to school" I smirked.

She frowned. "Your ass is going to be on the bus if you don't turn down the flipping music. I'm going back to sleep until you are done. Please take your time"

"Nah, I'll be quick" I grinned trying wanting to piss her off.

She opened her mouth but I cut her off shutting the door in her face. "Got to get ready"

It was Monday morning and I was anxious to get back to school. Nina didn't work on Mondays and always wanted to sleep in, but had to drive me to school. Sunday had went by so fast, nothing special happend unless you count me planning out my outfit, and organizing my school bag special. I couldnt really sleep because I was so excited so I ended up waking up before my alarm and needed entertainment. Hence the loud music and dancing.

I went to the bathroom and blow dried my hair straight, then went over it with my straightener to make it extra straight. I had already showered, brushed my teeth (twice), so all that was left to do was my make-up and get dressed. I applied my make up slightly heavier, putting on a light pink colored eyeshadow in the crease of my eyes, a thicker line of eyeliner, a little more mascara, and a touch of blush. I didn't use lip gloss since I didn't want too look to painted, I rubbed on some strawberry chapstick.

The outfit I had planned was sort of complicated it consisted of: a conservative collard black jacket with its sleeves rolled up to the elbow (my own personal touch), a light pink tank top with a lacey border along the top, paired with my new pair of faded Levi shorts, and a black pair of high top converse. I accesorized the ensemble with light pink diamond studded earrings, a silver charm bracelet, a black skull ring, and a silver skull necklace.

When I finished dressing I grabbed my Juicy white Juicy Couture bag [my sister bought for me] slung it over my shoulder, grabbed my blackberry putting it in my back pocket and left my room. I walked down the dark hallway to my sisters room and opened the door.

I inhaled a bunch of air and yelled to the top of my lungs. "GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP IT"S TIME TO TAKE ME TO SCHOOL!"

Nina sat up abruptly looking wide-eyed around the room, I couldn't help but laugh at her expression.She eyed me and slid out of bed, grabbing her keys off her night stand. She walked up to me in her Spongebob pj's.

"I hate you" she mumbled and brushed passed me.

I smiled smugly. "I hate you too"


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