My Past Summer Fling; Is Now My Screwed Up Reality ~10~

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Thurday morning I was feeling almost like new, ready to take on the world. Okay not really I was still nervous to face Mr. Kelly after that er...incident in class yesterday. I had made up the excuse that I was in major pain and had to leave, that got me out of staying after school with him. But now no excuses I had to go. The documentary was due to be finished this week and presented next week.

I did my usual thing I did in the morning, except I was dressed like my sane and normal self. My outfit consisting of a red and black mid-drift off the shoulder top, a black camisole underneathe it, dark blue cargo skinny jeans and red converse. Also with matching jewelry. Instead of wearing my hair down like usual, I pulled it all to ones side in a nice sleek shoulder pony tail, leaving my bangs out to fall on my face. When I deemed myself finished, I swiftly sprayed myself with Burberry Gold and gathered my things.

I headed down stairs to meet Nina, but she was nowhere in sight. I thought back to when she left me for taking too long, but she couldn't use that excuse again, because I was catually finished on time. I trotted backuo the staircase and down the hall to my sister's room,her room door was cracked. I knocked lightly and entered before a reply came.

"Nina are you in here?" I droned.

I was answered by a groan, I followed the noise and my eyes locked on a limp figure curled up under the comforter of the bed.

"Why aren't you up?" I asked irritated.

"Because I feel terrible" Nina replied her voice muffled by the bedding.

I trudged over to her bedside and pulled the comforter from her head. She shivered instantly. Her eyes were riddled with crusty eyeboogers, the whites were a light shade of pink, the tip of her nose was red.

"I think I have the flu" she groaned.

I snorted. "Nina it's barely September it hasn't even begun to get cold yet"

She gave me an attempted glare.

"Well I've got something, my whole body feels like dead weight, my head is drumming like I have a hangover, and my nose is all stopped up. I feel like absolute and complete shit" She winced.

"You forgot you have pink eye and a relation to rudolph" I snickered.

"Is this funny to you? You know what don't even answer that" She groaned pulling the comforter back over her head.

I sighed. "I'm sorry, but I'm more worried about how I'm supposed to get to school"

"Take my keys and drive yourself" came her muffled response.

I grinned widely.

"Alrighty then"

I snatched her keys up from her nightstand and started eagerly toward the door of her bedroom. I heard shuffling.

"Make sure you don't wreck my car!" Nina yelled as I descended the stairs, I could hear a faint groan of regret before I left the house.

I practically skipped through the lot to get to the car, when I reached her emerald green BMW I unlocked the doors with the automatic remote, hearing a click before I opened the door and slidpped into th driver's seat. I tossed my bag into the passenger seat before starting the car and backing out of the space. At the gate I waited patiently for the big iron gates to open far enough to drive through, I sped out of Riverpoint and off to school.

Pulling into the first open space I spotted, I sent Riley a quick text asking if he was here. I shifted the car into park and killed the ignition, grabbed my bag and exited the car, locking it before I walked up to the school. My blackberry jingled signaling a text, I pressed view text, it read 'Yes ma'am everyone is in the Caf' I nodded to myself and put my blackberry back into my bag. Since I was so engrossed in my phone I had forgotten to watch my surroundings, I nearly screamed when I crashed hard into someone. Not for the fact that I bumped into someone, for the fact that I bounced off of the person and was sent flying about four feet backward loosing my footing. Before I completely hit the ground I was caught by an arm around my waist and a fist gripping my shirt.

My Past Summer Fling; Is Now My Screwed Up RealityWhere stories live. Discover now