My Past Summer Fling; Is Now My Screwed Up Reality ~43~

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"Ugh! I'm so sick of this! My skin is starting chaffe from all the different fabrics!" I whined exasperated from inside the dressing room.

"Keep going Krys, we've only been at this two hours," Riley chided from his seat outside.

"This is the second day and I still haven't had any luck, this is a sign Riley!"

It was Thursday and the second day of torture for me, I have always hated dress shopping, now regular clothes shopping is a different story. I could never find one that fit me well, had a cute style, or a flattering color all in one, it usually ended up seperate which meant it did not work. We had went as far as to going to bridal shops and picking out bridesmaid dresses for me to wear, we were currently at one. Stupid people in there thought he and I were about to get married and they thought it was cute that he was helping pick out my wedding dress. With Riley being Riley, he played along with it and gushed to the women about the special location. I rolled my eyes and ignored him while I started browsing, he picked out a few for me to try on but so far none were good enough.

With the theme being Whispers of Winter, the dress code was either white or blue, or a combination of the two, or even off-white. Riley wanted me to get a blue one since it would match his tie. In total I had tried on about thirty-eight dresses and my morale was dwindling, I was getting extremely discouraged.

"You're being dramatic, do I have to come in there and put the dresses on you myself?"

I sighed and ripped the ugly silky white dress I had on, off and tossed it to the floor.

"No, there's only three left, I'll just push through it. But this is the last stop and if none work I'm going to Homecoming in a sweatsuit."

Riley snickered from outside, "I won't stop you either, we'll get matching ones."

I smiled and shook my head ruefully, I snatched the next dress off of the hanger and shimmied into it. I wasn't paying much attention to the style of it until I got it on my body, it fit like a glove and it was dainty and cute. It was sapphire and hitched from the bottom to the waistband, where it held in place with a matching bow. I normally don't go for strapless styles, especially when the dress is short, but this one was really nice. I twisted to check all of the angles and was throughly satisfied with it, I smiled and twirled in it. Shucks it even looked good with the messy bun on top of my head. I pulled back the curtain and stepped out of it to let Riley see, he looked up at me slowly. His eyes scanned me head to toe repeatedly, his mouth hung slightly ajar as he did so.

"Soo, what do you think?" I asked hesitantly.

He nodded mutely and stood to his feet, he paced over to me and took my hand to spin me around.

"I think we're done here. Put it back on the hanger and take it to the register, you got a winner."

I smiled up at him bashfully and skipped back into the dressing room. I stripped off the lovely dress carefully and hung it back up, while I hurried to put my layers of clothing back on. Winter time in Connecticut is the worst time to go clothes shopping, it is a total pain to strip off the thousands of layers of clothes you have to wear to keep warm, just to try on potentials. Once I finally managed to get back into my double pair of leggings, leg warmers, beige boots, white wooly sweater tunic, long-sleeved beige cardigan, and heavy leather double breasted coat; I joined Riley with my dress in hand. We linked arms and strolled to the front of the store to pay for the dress, which was thankfully on sale for $97.

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