My Past Summer Fling; Is Now my Screwed Up Reality ~31~

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A tickling sensation on my temple woke me, it was threatening to put me back to sleep with its soothing rhythm. I let my eyes fall open on their own account, a shred of light filled my vision but it wasn't bright. It was evident that I was in a room and it wasn't mine but the feeling in my body wasn't there. I gave it a second to see if it would come but panicked when it didn't, I kicked my legs rapidly and tried to roll only to find myself restricted. This made my panic rise, I started to whimper on the verge of tears, the tickling on my temple stopped and I felt move ment under me.

"Your awake, thank god!" Mr. Kelly spoke. I jolted and kept struggling for feeling. "What's wrong?"

I panted histerically.

"I can't feel anything! Why can't I feel anything?!"

No reply came only shuffling followed by my numb body being lifted. Mr. Kelly set me on my feet and held me steady, slowly he took steps and guided my lifeless limbs with his. Tingling started in my toes and crept up to my ankles, then my knees, to my thighs and waist; eventually making its way to my upperbody. I breathed a heavy sigh of relief when I could function properly, I clenched and unclenched my fist to bring the blood flow back to my hands and arms.

"Better now?" Mr. Kelly asked.

I nodded and clutched my head for dear life, doubling over.

"Oh my Jesus..." I gasped.

Once again I was lifted into his arms and set carefully on the bed.

"I'll be right back. Don't move."

I cringed, the pain was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. I was beggining to think things couldn't get worse until my ribs started to ache, and my back started to sting. The pain was so excruciating I couldn't even groan, I dared not make a sound nor movement, hell I didn't even want to breathe. Mr. Kelly returned, I heard the door close and a glass being set on a hard surface.

"Hey, I need you to take this pill okay?" He said lowly.

I couldn't even speak to tell him I couldn't move and that I would need more than one pill to help all of this pain. Warm hands removed mine from my head and carefully tilted my head straight. Now I was face to face with Mr. Kelly, he looked concerned and then worried once he saw all of the agony in my face. I parted my lips enough for him to insert the pill into my mouth, a straw was placed to my lips and I swallowed down some water.

He caressed my cheek and brushed my hair behind my ear, a pained look on his face.

"Sit tight one more minute, I'm going to get your food so you don't get sick."

He dropped his hand and exited the room again. The only thing I wanted was to know what happened, what was the cause of all of my sudden pain, was it something that happened last night? Come to think of it I don't remember leaving the Elbow room, actually I couldn't remember anything after having jello. When Mr. Kelly returned he was carrying a tray stocked with a bowl of soup, two dinner rolls, crackers and a glass of apple juice. He set the tray onto the bed and climbed on after, he sat very close to me and placed the tray on his legs. I stayed still, afraid to inflict more pain but I fully intended to get to the bottom of the situation.

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