My Past Summer Fling; Is Now My Screwed Up Reality ~38.2~

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Austin woke before Krys with heavy lids, he had a pleasant dream about the future and wished it could become a reality. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that the girl-or rather the woman lying by his side was the one he wanted to grow old with. Tenderly and carefully so as not to wake her, Austin positioned her on his chest. Softly he kissed her hair lingering to take in the scent of her shampoo, relaxing back into his pillow he combed his fingers through the silky strands and gazed out the window. He then noticed that the two of them had slept the rest of the day and night, all the way into the next day. As he layed there thinking about the possibilities his heart grew heavy, he hated his life choices and longed to escape his past- just get away from it all with the only person that really mattered to him. It would be great, he would buy a place for the two of them, finally contact his parents and take Krys to meet them, they would fall in love with her like he had and all would be right in his life...But that would never happen and he knew it.

Krys's eyes fluttered open and her vision was greeted by golden sheets, the happenings of the night before rushed to her head. The candle lit room, the gentle touches from Austin's hands, the endless kisses, the hit her then that she was no longer a virgin. An uncontrollable smile broke out on her face as she stared at the burned down candles, she realized she was lying on Austin's naked chest and lifted her head. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw those chocolate brown eyes peering down at her, Austin smiled at the beautiful girl and smoothed his hand down her bare back. A shutter raptured through her body from the action and she became aware of her bare chest pressed to him, a blush crawled onto her cheeks.

Austin chuckled at the sight of her rosy cheeks.

"Why are you blushing?"

Chewing her lip and trying to fight off another blush, Krys ignored his question.

"How long have you been up?"

"I don't know maybe ten minutes, I'm still a little tired."

Krys averted her gaze to the locks of her hair that was splayed across Austin's skin.

"Yeah, I am too," Her nose wrinkled up as she gazed toward the balcony doors. "Why does it look like early morning?"

Austin fiddled with the chain around her neck, rubbing his fingers over the boxing gloves.

"That would be because it is...We slept all of yesterday away after we fell asleep."

Krys blushed again.

"Oh...I guess we were really exhausted after training huh?"

It was obvious to him that she was uncomfortable with the subject and it made him feel uneasy, he hoped she wasn't having second thoughts about anything.

Subconciously, his brows pulled together as he dropped his hand from her necklace.

"You regret it don't you?" He sighed. "I'm such an idiot how could I think that you were ready for that? I basically pressured you into it like a-"

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