My Past Summer Fling ; Is Now My Screwed Up Reality ~4~

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I stood there in shock staring at him, my hand had went limp in his. I couldn't fathom the idea of him here AS A TEACHER!

Maybe I was halucinating maybe this was all a dream, yeah thats what this is. I mean the Vascoe I know has a baby face not facial hair, and he has short, neat hair,not this messy sex hair. The Vascoe I know is fit but not like him. No way this is him.

"Ms.Kingsley are you alright?" his question snapped me out of my rambling thoughts.

I refocused to see his amused expression.I blinked a few times before replying.

"Yes" was all I could manage to say. I pulled my hand from his, spun on my heels and started back to my seat.

I took a deep calming breath and started doodling again.

"Ok, now where was I, oh yes Myra Lindley" Mr. Kelly continued. 


My thoughts consumed me at lunch, I absentmindedly spooned my apple sauce. Could it really be him? could he have moved here and started teaching? No Vascoe's last name is Weston not Kelly. It can't be him. Unless he changed last name. But why would he do that, it wouldn't make sense. No its not possible Australia is half way around the world there is no way. Although they do have the same accent and look very much alike, albeit Mr.Kelly is bit more attractive, a lot more actually. Wait! what am I thinking! I can't think that about a teacher. I shook my head. No! Vascoe is eighteen and Mr.Kelly is twenty-four. Case closed Vascoe is back in Sydney going to school just like me.

Something small and warm hit me in the face bringing me back to reality. I frowned and looked down to see a tater tot in my lap. I glared at it and picked it up.

I stared down my friends at the table. "Which one of you threw a tater tot at me?"

Garey and Riley quickly pointed at Quinn who was pointing at Garey. I looked at her incredulously.

She scowled at Garey and Riley."Snitches"

I chucked my arm back and flung the tot at her nose. "How do you like it?" I seethed.

She narrowed her eyes at me and then popped it in her mouth. "Delicious. Look I had to get your attention somehow you've been sitting there spooning, and making faces at your sauce for fifteen minutes" she explained.

I scowled at her. "All you had to do was tap me or call my name or something, not throw food at my face"

She waved her hand in dismissal. "Yeah yeah, what's wrong?"

I shook my head and sipped my Coke. "Nothing"

This time they all gave me unconvinced stares.

I sighed exasperated. "There's nothing wrong, I was just thinking can't I do that!"

I tousled my hair and folded my arms over my chest.

"Chill out, okay don't bite our heads off you just look troubled" Garey interjected.

"Well I'm fine okay" I breathed.

"What were you thinking about?" Riley joined.

"Just...stuff" I hesistated.

"I bet she's thinking about the new teacher" Quinn smirked.

"I am not" I huffed.

"I think someone's bluffing, isn't he gorgeous" She persisted.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh god, don't tell me your one of his new groupies"

She glared at me. "No I just appreciate a hott piece of man to look at, thank you. And you have to admit his accent is sexy"

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