My Past Summer Fling; Is Now My Screwed Up Reality ~6~

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7:24 a.m. is the tie that was staring me in the face when I opened my eyes. FUCK!!!! I jumped out of my bed. Literally. Almost loosing my footing as I did so. I flung open my closet doors, grabing the first thing in sight which happend to be a pair of black skinny jeans I had recently bought when I went shopping with Quinn. I thrust into one leg of my jeans hopping over to my dresser. I jerked open my fourth drawer and snatched the shirt lying at the top, my Boston Celtics jersey. No I am not a fan I just realy wanted a jersey and I like the colors too. Practically ripping it in the process, I tore off my night gown and threw on the baggy jersey.

On my way to the bathroom I ate floor, not realizing I didn't finish putting on my pants. I growled and jammed my leg into the other leg of my jeans. I hopped up not bothering to button them and jogged to the bathroom, pasted my toothbrush and brushed furiously. Where is super speed when you need it?! Deciding to multi task I unravelled the braid I had put in my hair last night, I had been up so late showering and washing all the ice cream out of my hair I was too tired to blow dry it straight. Once the braid was out I finished brushing my teeth, when I looked in the mirror I could've screamed. My hair was completely wavy, if not wavier than it usually was when I did it, since I braided it.

Checking the time again I decided it was a lost cause and I would just have to deal with it. I tousled it a few times before giving up, I roughly applied my cover up and chap stick. I had no time for eyeliner so I settled on a light quick application of mascara. Running back into my room for shoes I scanned my closet floor. No way I could put on socks and tie my shoes, so picking the qucikest shoes to get on, I slipped my feet into white ballerinas. Checking the time for the last time it, I slung my bag over my shoulder, turned off my lights and took off down the hallway. Half-way down the hall I noticed I hadn't put on a bra. COME ON!! Halting and spinning on my heels I traveled back to my room. Yanked a bra from my drawer and my phone from the floor which I covienietly dropped in my hurry. I shoved the two items in my bag and darted down the stairs.

Think my morning can't get any worse? Think again. Nina is nowhere to be found!


A white paper caught my attention on the kitchen counter, I began reading it.

Took way to long and I can't be late for work, hope you can make the bus!


That bitch! I punched the nearest wall, my knuckles turned red in a flash. PERFECT!! now I'm screwed!!! I locked up the condo and burst into a sprint. Let me tell you it is extremely uncomfortable running braless with a C cup. Just as I got close to the bus stop my bus pulled off. Seriously could my day be get any worse.

An idea hit me and I prayed it would prevail. Rummaging through my bag for my phone, after what seemed like ten minutes of searching I found it. Thank god for speed dial. Entering the number 3 it dialed Garey's number.

Three rings later he answered. "Hello?"

"Oh my god Garey, I am having the worst morning, I overslept and had no time to get ready, my hair lookes like I have been riding around on a motorcycle for four days straight, my bitch of a sister left me and I just missed my bus and I have no way to get to school could you please please please with extra fudge and pickles and gravy please come get me?!" I rambled in one breath.

"Breathe Krys calm down, I'm on my way as we speak"

I sighed in relief. "Thank you so much Gares I love you and owe you big time"

He chuckled. "I love you too, but if you want me to get there faster I'm going to need to get off the phone"

I smiled sheepishly. "Oh yeah...right...sorry...bye"

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