My Past Summer Fling; Is Now My Screwed Up Reality ~18~

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On the verge of a heart attack, I buried my face into Mr.Kelly's back willing myself not to scream and cry. The temptation to look back got the better of me and I turned my head, my hair whipped into my face and blinded me. I shook it out of my face making the mail truck visible, it was lagging behind and hope grabbed at me that maybe the piece of crap couldn't go fast enough. A red Viper pulled up next to the mail truck, the doors flew open and the bulky man in the passanger side of the truck jumped to the red car and climbed in. All hope that I had just gained was lost again, I watched the driver of the mail truck repeat the action of switching to the car.

My stomach knotted and my head began to spin, the mail truck lost control and ran off the road, while the red car kicked into high gear. The driver of the car was hard to see but the two men that were previously in the mail truck were clear as day, now hanging out the window of the car again, guns aimed right at me. The scream I had been holding in came out,long and loud. Mr.Kelly sped up the motorcycle and we made another sharp turn, I could see we had come to a service road, cars were everywhere.

Mr.Kelly turned his head halfway around.

"Hold on!"

Unable to find my voice I tightened my grip and forced myself to keep my head forward, watching as we weaved in and out of cars, feeling nauseous as we did. The blur of colors and sounds of horns and engines, the wind whipping my hair around and beating at my face. A new sinking feeling took over as my eye caught a red light up ahead. Was he going to run the red light? Would our picture be taken if he did? If I survived this would this be on my record? Would I be arrested? The loud pop of a gun broke me out of my thoughts, the sound of shattering glass hit the ground.

Nearly snapping my neck in the process, I jerked my head around to look at our pursuers, they had gained on us considerably. My breath hitched in my throat, they were only about twelve feet away.Would they ram the motorcycle? I couldn't watch anymore, I faced front again and spotted the interstate ramp, Mr.Kelly sped up again and in a matter of seconds we were on the freeway. Somehow I thought this would be more dangerous than being on a rural road, I think I was right. Clusters of cars were in every lane, still Mr.Kelly managed to swerve between cars without hitting them, I looked behind us again seeing that this choice had slowed them down a lot.

A sigh of relief left my lips and I returned my eyes back to the front once more. Mr.Kelly shifted on the seat breifly and drew his gun from the hem of his pants, my gut wrenched and my heart picked up yet again. For the zillionth time I looked back, but the car was nowhere in sight, frantically my eyes searched the crowded interstate. Where could they be? Did we lose them? Were they sneaking up on us? Something caught my eye at the far right side of the interstate, the red car was speeding on the shoulder, we were in the H.O.V lane, our speed matching the red car. A large gap in the traffic ahead of us gave leeway for the red car to reach us, the traffic was clear up ahead. Just as suspected the car raced off of the shoulder and into the gap, into the next lane, and the next lane, and the lane right beside of us.

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