My Past Summer Fling; Is Now My Screwed Up Reality ~19~

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Panic surged through me as the grip the person had around my neck grew tighter, pressing hard on my jugular. My initial thought was to release their arm from my neck, so I tried prying at it to free myself. To no avail the pressure only increased and I felt myself being backed up, was I being kidnapped? An idea struck me, the idiot didn't restrict my hands or arms, I can attempt to fight! Duh! Planting my feet down firmly so I couldn't be forced to move anymore, I arched my body forward to create space between my body and the person behind me. This put more strain on me being choked, but it had to be done, I twisted so I was turned to the side the slightest bit and in one swift motion I slammed my elbow hard into the person's ribs.

A groan erupted from the person and without another thought I jammed my elbow into them again, and again until their grip on me faltered. I dropped to my knees, slipping out of their grasp, a second after I was to my feet I was thrown across my dresser hitting the ground with a lound thud, and the crashing of the items that were on the top of my dresser. My eyes flashed open just in time to see the figure coming toward me, I let them get close enough so that they were standing a foot in front of me, I brought my foot up and kicked them in the kneecap. A yelp filled the room and I thrust my foot into what I hoped would me a man's crotch, from wat I could feel with my bare foot I'd say it was definitely a man.

In the darkness of my room, with the only light coming from my bathroom, I could see the man double over, I took this opportunity to scramble to my feet and inflict pain. I threw a overhand punch down into the man's back, his body dropped lower and I bashed my knee into his face. The man's frame fell backwards onto my carpet, I ran to the light of my bathroom and picked up my blackberry speed dialing Riley. He answered on the first ring.


I cut him off in a rushed panicky voice.

"Riley! Somebody is in my house they tried to strangle me and I think I knocked them out on the floor call- Ahhhhh!"

My hair was yanked roughly and I dropped my phone, I could faintly hear Riley's shouts before something hard came in contact with my back, I gasped in surprise and pain. My heart picked up and I struggled for my life, I could hear my hair ripping from my scalp as I continued to fight my way away from the iron grip. Doing the only thing I could, I pressed my body to the man and began running backwards taking him with me into the wall, I slammed us into numerous times hoping he would let go like before. An idea hit me since he was holding me by my hair, lurching my head forward I snapped it back hard and fast banging it into his face. I kept doing it despite the throbbing in the back of my head, I would not let myself become one of those girls who gets kidnapped and ends up missing for months.

The man finally released my hair, but instead bringing his arms around my neck, I caught them just in time, stepping forward and flipping him over my shoulder. His body was really heavy and when he hit the ground he threw me off balance and I fell on top of him, I punched him in the face and jumped to my feet charging down the hallway and down the stairs. I got to the door and fiddled with the locks on it, now do you see what I mean by life and death situation? Except instead of being locked out of the house, I was locked in! I finally got the locks undone but never got the chance to get the door open, I was rushed from the side and choked against the wall of the kitchen. I was slapped across the face with one hand while the other hand remained choking me, my cheek stung and my vision started to get blurry.

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