My Past Summer Fling; Is Now My Screwed Up Reality ~5~

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The final bell rang.

Yes! I'm free! I hurriedly grabbed my things and jumped out of my seat. I attempted to push my way through the cluster of bodies. It wasn't working. Can't they see I have to get out of here!

"Alright don't forget to communicate with your partners, establish a schedule of when to meet up. We will be filming in two days, I'll see you tommorrow" Mr.Kelly called over the sea of students.

I managed to get closer to the door as everyone filed out slowly.

"Ms.Kingsley can I see you for a moment?" Mr. Kelly asked.

Ugh! Why me? I grit my teeth and made my way over to him. He was leaning lazily on his desk.

"Am I in trouble?" I stared down at my feet.

"Of course not, I just wanted to go over a schedule for your project" He responded simply.

"Why don't we just do it everyday in class, you are the teacher" I suggested playing with my necklace.

"Yes, thats true but that means I will be busy helping the class with their projects, and you won't be able to interview me" He pointed out.

"Oh, okay well what days are good for you?"

Mr.Kelly retired behind his desk. He pulled out a sticky note and started scribbling on it. He returned in front of me and held the sticky note out.

I reached for it but he snatched it back. I looked up at him in surprise.

"Ah, good I can see your face. Now I want you to follow this schedule and I also want you to PAY ATTENTION in class"

A scowl formed on my face. "I do pay attention in class" I protested.

He arched an eyebrow at me. "All I've seen you do is doodle in your notebook"

"That doesn't mean I'm not listening" I argued staring at the ground again.

"I don't know that. If you're focused on something that means you aren't listening" He stated.

"I am listening though" I insisted.

"It's easier to show me that you're listening, otherwise you're just being rude"

"How am I supposed to show you?" I asked lowly.

I felt a finger under my chin tilting my face up. I was now looking Mr.Kelly in the face.

"Like this" His deep brown eyes searched my face and a soft smile spread to his lips.

Wow he really is handsome. Thats an understatement he is sexy. Whoa did I just say sexy!

I felt my face start to heat up, I snatched my face away from his touch to hide it. I grabbed the sticky note from his hand and stormed to the door.

I heard Mr.Kelly chuckle huskily. "Enjoy your evening Ms.Kingsley, see you tommorrow"

I left the classroom without a word. My head spun wildly, I'm not sure wheteher it was from the contact or the fact that his eyes were just like Vascoes. I shook away the thought and continued to my locker to pick up my things. I went to the front of the schooland I spotted my friends.I joined them.

"Hey guys" I greeted them all.

"I was wondering where you were" Garey smiled.

I returned his smile. " Sorry, I had to stay after class"

"No sweat, we're going to get some ice cream you up for it?" Garey asked.

"Oh, of course, I can never resist ice cream. Just one question. how are we getting there?"

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