My Past Summer Fling; Is Now My Screwed Up Reality ~34~

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The remainder of dinner was quiet with the exception of satisfied sighs from the delicious sausage rolls. He finally told me what they were called in hopes of striking conversation, which it didn't due to my discomfort. Its not that I regretted the kiss, in fact I craved more, I was just confused about how it made me feel and worried how far it could go. If I practically stripped the guy and myself of our shirts, who knows what would've come off next. I thank him for having more willpower than I did to stop it, stopping it wasn't even on my mind, in fact nothing was on my mind. It was all fuzzy and blank, I was only working with my body. However despite all of that I had a strong need to be close to him, to have him touch me, to have his strong arms envelop me. What was going on?! Why did I want that so much? I never wanted it before, especially not when we first got here.

Multiple times I glanced at him as he ate; his eyes, his nose, his facial hair, his lips... All of it was very tempting. Once dinner was over I headed for the stairs, Mr. Kelly caught up to me a bit later.

"Hey, Krys I'm really sorry about what happened I know I shouldn't have done it. I just...I couldn't help it..."

Hearing him say that sent butterflies erupting in my stomach all over again. I took a deep breath and stopped to look at him. A blush made its way onto my face and I bowed my head.

"Um...its wasn't just you. I got carried away..."

Silence settled between us for a while, I shifted from foot to foot awkwardly hoping it would end soon.

"If I ask you something will you answer me honestly?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Did you want me to kiss you?"

I nodded again too afraid to look at him.

"One more thing...Do you still have feelings for me at all?"

For a moment I was stuck, I wasn't sure how to answer that. I thought long and hard evaluating the way I felt with him in Sydney and how I felt with him right then. It seemed the same yet different, now it felt like it was stronger, like it was a requirement to have him near me or I would feel empty.

I looked up at him, he was patiently waiting.

"Yeah...I think I do."

The look on his face could only be described as relief that changed to happiness. A smile made its way to his face.

"You do not know how happy I am to hear you say that."

That smile of his was contagious and it felt like a weight had come off my gut, for that moment I felt light as air. Mr. Kelly took my hand in his lacing our fingers together, he nodded his head in the direction of the stairs. I followed him willingly up the stairs and to his room, because it was where I wanted to be since the days he nursed me back to health. I sat on his bed relaxed into the fluffy pillows while he fiddled in a suitcase of his, I felt at ease with him in his room. Alas he found what he was looking for and joined me on his bed, he sat closer than usual which I had no problem with. He handed me a stuffed envelope, I quirked and eyebrow and opened it taking out the contents.

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