Cast and Intro

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Hey guys,

This is my first Torchwood fanfiction but not my first book. It's based on if Jack Harkness had a daughter. Whether you're one of my regular readers or new to my books I hope you enjoy this story.

Anyone that has followed this book from my past books, I hope you don't mind the fandom switch-up. Anyone new to my books please feel free to check out my other books, you will gather that I am a huge Queen fan.

While I'm aware there is a podcast series for Torchwood and Captain Jack appears in the most recent Doctor Who episodes, this book is set from before Gwen comes into Torchwood to the end of the Miracle Day series. I will be adding in some bits from Doctor Who (David Tennant's Era) and the Sarah Jane Adventures.

This story will be mostly written in the third person POV but may change to a specific character's POV if I feel it is necessary. If you've read any of my previous books you will know the indication.

This is the main cast list, there may be original characters added throughout the story but I will put their casting either at the end or beginning of the chapter:

Katherine Longford plays Starla May-Harkness

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Katherine Longford plays Starla May-Harkness

Katherine Longford plays Starla May-Harkness

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 John Barrowman plays Captain Jack Harkness

Kirsty Mitchell plays Eliza May

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Kirsty Mitchell plays Eliza May

Kirsty Mitchell plays Eliza May

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Burn Gorman plays Owen Harper

Gareth David-Lloyd plays Ianto Jones

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Gareth David-Lloyd plays Ianto Jones

Gareth David-Lloyd plays Ianto Jones

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Eve Miles plays Gwen Cooper

Naoko Mori plays Toshiko Sato

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Naoko Mori plays Toshiko Sato

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Indira Varma plays Suzie Costello

The rest of the characters are played by the actors cast in the TV series.

Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood, Doctor Who or Sarah Jane Adventures or any music and photos that appear throughout. I do own my original characters, Starla and Eliza and any other originals that may appear throughout the book.

The first chapter will be up on Sunday and my updating schedule will be once a week on a Sunday unless I say otherwise.

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